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  • Forgive me if this is obvious, but I didn't see anything in a search of the Forum. I code in "bare metal assembly", no OS, no C. I've got a J-link Plus (recent acquisition), and I'm working on a fairly complex application with the STM32F730Z8. I'm using the GCC toolset for assembly. So far I've been using the J-link to write flash, and the mem tool to peer into memory for debugging. I would like to use Ozone for debugging, but can't figure out how to link it to my source code. I am quite aware t…

  • Thank you. I apologize if I abused the forum, I did read the rules, and did search first, and realized I was off the standard track, thus thought it was an appropriate community quesiton. I have a test board out for fab -- it has jumpers to try a number of different configurations. If I do get anything unusual to work I will post it here. Cheers!

  • I have a circuit design in the works that uses an STM32 CPU and an ATF1508 CPLD. I have a J-link Plus. I have a couple of questions: Can I use the J-Link to program the CPLD? I don't see it on the list of devices. It is programmed by JTAG, and I have done so by coding the algorithm into a CPU on the same board and programming them in-circuit, but I'd like to simply wire this one to a J-Link socket on the board for simplicity. If it is possible to program the ATF1508, can I daisy chain them on th…