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  • Ok thank you.

  • Hello, I am using your Bitmap Converter software in 5.28 version. It works well. In option menu I can see that it is possible to switch to BIG ENDIAN mode. The problem is I do not see any change if option is activated or not. For example one pixel is defined by 0xAA00BB11. I would like to have 0x11BB00AA (after conversion). I just need to have the "little/big" endian conversion. Can you confirm it is possible ? 5.28 is the last software version ? Thank in advance.

  • Ok I found my answer: - No possible to drive 18 bits resolution - The best solution is to switch in 24/32 bit mode. (Process will be more longer, memory will be bigger but will work)

  • Hello, I need to connect my display (18bits) to a STm32F7, which include a basic video controler. (full bus - parallel mode) To do that I use currently the "GUIDRV_Lin" driver configured on 16 bits resolution (565 RGB). But I lose some pixels diffiniton with this solution and some picture effect is very bad (as gradation color). On gradation effect I have some "color jump" into my picture. (see attached file). To avoid this bad quality, I need to use a 18 bits driver. Unfortenetly "GUIDRV_Lin" d…

  • Do you have some news about the Indirect mode for JFlash ?

  • Hello, For my project I need to program STM32F746NG and an external Flash QSPI memory connected this MCU. For the moment I program the both memories (internal and external) with ST-Link utility. For the future, especially for manufacturing process, I will able to program memories with JTAG only. I buy a JLINK Plus to do that. My current memory is: Micron N25Q512A (QSPI memory used on STM32f746-EVAL board) . I checked this memory and it is available in your compatibility memory list. I have seen …

  • Hello, Can you tell me when the QSPI flash programming (for stm32F7x6) will be supported by J-FLASH Segger ? Thanks in advance.

  • Hello everyone, I would like to use the GUI_TTF_CreateFont() function. I have an error during the compilation. There is no definion for GUI_TTF_CreateFont() function ! I use a standard binary library (version: STemWin522_patch1_CM4_IAR) Is it a known problem ? C Source Code (29 lines)

  • GUI_MEMDEV_create() problem

    UniDev - - emWin related


    Ok thank you ! It works ! I post my source code compatible with IAR compiler: C Source Code (17 lines)

  • GUI_MEMDEV_create() problem

    UniDev - - emWin related


    Hello, To develop without flickering, I want to use GUI_MEMDEV_create() function. I get an error during creation of it. (return 0) To begin I used a demo code and It works very well. Layers are displayed only during the CopyToLCD functions. C Source Code (34 lines) Now I would like apply the same strategy to my screen (7": 800*480 pixels) hMem0 and hMem1 return 0. Memory are not created and all operations are shown before the CopyToLCD operation. C Source Code (27 lines) Do you have an idea ? Fo…

  • LCD Display area cut off

    UniDev - - emWin related


    Hello Ant, I recommed to you to check your LCD timming. Look at GUIDRV_stm32f429i_discovery.c file: C Source Code (12 lines) and stm32f429i_discovery_ldc.c (here the values are accumulated see page 481 of RM0090 IAR) C Source Code (19 lines) Best regards.