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  • When executing J-Link_Commander script what's the proper way of retrying operations? Currently I use: Source Code (10 lines)and use it with JLink.exe -NoGui 1 -CommandFile production.jlink Is there a better/faster way? Like if conditions, retry counts? Sometimes operations (connecting/erasing/programming) fail and need retrying. Launching the entire script again would be very slow, so it has to be done inplace. There are 0 results for 'retry' in documentation.

  • I tried both in .jlink Exec.Command("SuppressGUI") exec SuppressGUI But still seeing pop up.

  • Hello, That's what I did, but as I said it says this when I run the .jlink file: J-Link>SuppressGUI Unknown command. '?' for help.

  • I added into .jlink file, but when I run the file with JLink.exe" -NoGui 1 -CommandFile test.jlink it says: J-Link>device NRF52805_XXAA J-Link>SuppressGUI Unknown command. '?' for help. also this fails too: JLink.exe SuppressGUI -NoGui 1 -CommandFile test.jlink and I still see

  • How do I suppress "device is secured" popup msg by forcing Yes from jlink script? (unattended) Without clicking remember. Isn't there a forced parameter to "Erase all" command? I tried: unlock NRF52805_XXAA but it says: Syntax: unlock <DeviceName> ---Supported devices--- LM3Sxxx [<Auto>] Kinetis EFM32Gxxx LPC5460x surely it must know how to do it, because it does it after I click yes.

  • Sorry, you are right, the issue was Hercules TCP client added extra data to it. After writing a simple TCP client in python I get raw data. import socket client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) client_socket.connect(('', 19021)) while 1: data = client_socket.recv(1024) print('got', data.decode('utf-8','ignore')) print('gothex', data.hex()) client_socket.close() Thank you!

  • Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “Hi, No logic inside the J-Link software interprets rhe RTT data. It is just forwarded from one side to the other (host -> target or the other way around). All the interpretation of the data itself is up to the host and target application. We will check again but there should not be any problem with sending 0xFF, 0xFE, … down to 0x00 for a byte.” When I checked, I have sent up from RTT target this: 0x23,0x00,0x01,0xff,0xfe which dropped my TCP client, and on reconnectio…

  • Any way I could send binary up to the PC on ch0 of RTT? I'm connecting directly via telnet to Jlink driver, leaving RTTViewer out. But when I send 0xFF it interprets it as control character and closes connection. And next time I connect I get NVT message. Telnet does support binary mode…copia/inet/ it only has to be set once. I know it listens on telnet for 100ms on startup for control commands, this would be perfect time for it, or even better as par…