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  • Hello again, so as a quick followup: Does the speed have an effect? Yes, definetely. I have to throttle the v11 down to < 800 kHz and the Commander can connect, halt, go and read mem. It however can neither flash the device nor debug it in VSCode&Cortex-Debug or STCubeIDE. The v8 still does that happily. I have also given a identical target to a friend who owns another v11. I have made sure that it is one that i tried before. It just works for him as it should. I have also done some more "extens…

  • Thanks, thats a really good idea, i should have thought of that. I will try that as soon as i get home in a few days(Do/Fr) and let you know.

  • Hello, i upgraded form the J-Link EDU v8 to the v11 a few months ago. Debugging my prior project (STM32L4P5CE) worked (and still works) just fine with the v11. Trying the same with a STM32F301K6 (with or without opt. bytes) however does not work. I tried using VSCode+Cortex-Debug and also STM-CubeIDE. Both show the same behavior: The v8 version works, the v11 does not. When using J-Link-Commander directly i can connect to the chip with the v11 and it identifies the Cortex-M4 but it is somewhat i…