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  • Thank you Fabian, This project is purely educational. When I say working hours I'm meaning time spent sitting and working on this project. I've been 'working' on this project for well over 2 weeks, but I'm doing it either at home or on my lunch breaks at work. It is completely unrelated to my job or any responsibilities. I'm 90% certain the error is between the keyboard and my chair, me. Either way I'm just trying to wade through the weeds as some of this is brand new to me. I start with checkin…

  • I'm working on a breakout board for the Atmel SAML10E15A IC. I've gotten to the point, using Atmel Studio 7, that I can read the target voltage and device signature. When I go to try programming the chip with a simple blink program I get an error saying that I the programmer was unable to reset the IC. I've double checked the reset line and it's pulled up to 3.3V. I first had a 10K pull-up (really excessive) then I changed to 1K then to 330 then to floating with no avail. At this point I open th…