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  • Hi again everybody! Unfortunately I have still the same problem. But I found out that the problem could be the GUI_Clear() command. I will try to describe my problem. Remember that I'm using emWin with two hardware layer and multibuffering. For each layer I have overwrited the callback function. In layer 0 I want to paint a streamed Bitmap. The secound layer should be transparent. I Looks like follows: void Callback_DesktopWindowLayer_0(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) { /* select Window message */ switch(pMs…

  • Hello, I'm working on STM32F429 (2 display layer support) with RTOS (one task for gui operations and one task for touch) and using emWin with Window Manager, Multilayer (two layer), and Multibuffering with two buffer. The VRAM adresses of the two layer are on different places on external SDRAM. Both layer are using both buffer. I verified by calling the GUI_MULTIBUF_GetNumBuffersEx() function for each layer. In general the display configuration and emWin configuration (LCDConf.c) seems to be ok.…

  • Hi, I'm using two layers. My intention is to draw a backgound image on layer 0 . Layer 1 is completely transparent and should contain a WM Window with a few buttons. But when I touch on the display I only got an PID on callback of desktop 0 window. I never got an PID on desktop 1 or on window which is descendant of desktop 1. Even if I click on the button. Maybe anybody can help me? Thx and greetz

  • MultiLayer problem

    Manfred - - emWin related


    Dear Schoenen, it works fine, thank you very much for your support! But know I'm trying to use Multilayer and Memory Devices combined. But I have a problem about that. As explanation I used an example of emWin manual (chapter 25.2.2). I edited the source code as follows: static GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemBG = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(0,0, 480,272 ); static GUI_MEMDEV_Handle hMemFG = GUI_MEMDEV_CreateFixed32(0,0, 480,272 ); GUI_MEMDEV_Select(hMemBG); GUI_SetColor(GUI_BLUE); GUI_FillCircle(100, 50, 49)…

  • MultiLayer problem

    Manfred - - emWin related


    Hello, I'm working on STM32F4 Controller. The LTDC harware module supports two hardware layers. Hence I want to use emWIn MultiLayer support to create two hardware layer. First I created one layer and everything works fine. I can draw Bitmaps and so on. After I tried to create the second layer which seems to be fine. When I call LCD_GetNumLayers() I got two layers which should be fine. But when I want to draw one Bitmap or anything else in the the first layer (layer index 0) it isn't visible on …

  • Hello everybody, I tried to set user data (WM_SetUserData()) at the WM window handle of the desktop window handle, but it doesn't work. That's why I'm asking if it is possible in general? My attention is to make data anyway available by creation of child windows of desktop window. I red in emWIn manual that WM_CREATE message has no data and there is no way to set data, I guess. Maybe anyone has a better idea to fix my problem? Thanks guys! Greetz Manfred

  • Hey Schoenen, thanks for your report. To overwrite the callback could be a good idea. But what exactly happens when I detach a child window? How is the new parent? I red that detached Windows will not be redrawn. So I guess when I detach a child window from it's hidden parent for Intention to show it will not be redrawn and as a result it will not be visible. Is it right? Regards Manfred

  • Hello, I have created a window as parent which has multiple child windows. My intention is to hide the parent window and show one of it's child window at once. But when I hide the parent the entire child windows are hidden, even if I try to show one of the child window. How can I solve this problem? Or does anybody know how can I supress the pointer Input device of a window in general? I mean it shouldn't receive any Input devices after creation anymore. Thanks for your help.