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  • Hi, Thanks for your reply, but since this is a very old topic, I don't have much information because the problem is no more reproducible on my laptop. Last time I fixed the issue with version 6.86f, and at the moment I am using v7.60b and I don't have any issues. If in future I faced the same issue again, I will take the logs as mentioned by you in the post. thanks

  • Hello Everyone I am working on a project using micro-controller MKE15Z and using J-Link Plus. Today when I tried to program the binaries using J-Flash, I get some programming error, I recently updated to version 7.58b and 7.58c of the J-Link tool. (Earlier everything was working fine, I don't know why it is not working maybe due to version change, I am not sure) My project is divided into two parts, configuration and firmware and both are the part of micro-controller's flash, with IAR I am not a…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Hello Arun, Thank you for your inquiry. Quote: “So is there any command available for un-checking this also.” No there is no such command for the J-Link Commander as it is not necessary. All you have to do is make sure, that the binary file you want to write does not overlap or use that sector. J-Link will then only erase and write the sectors affected by your binary file. Best regards, Nino” Thanks Nino for your quick support. You are right, actually i tried flashing …

  • Hello Everyone, I am using micro-controller ATSAMC20J18A for one of our project, and I also had JLink Plus, but unfortunately due to some shorting in board due to AC signal, JLink Plus blew up and now I only have JLink Base with me, which will not work with JFlash without license. So this is a problem for me, but then I came to know that we can flash binary using JlInk JCommander as per the user manual and few examples online. But the problem is that, I want to uncheck the Sector-1024 as we did …

  • Hi, We are using MKE04Z128 micro-controller with IAR(ARM) compiler and J-link plus programmer. During debugging, if we set more than 2 break-point in our code, our application stops working and displays error message "Timeout during programming sector, core does stop and my application hangs and i need to reload the code into the board. In Cortex-M0+ we can set 4 break-points, then why i am just able to set only two break-points. But J-Link Plus Supports Unlimited Flash Break-Points, when why ju…