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  • CPU performance improvement

    nalinnakum - - emWin related


    Hi Florian, Thanks for your reply. I don't want to put particular function or variable at particular location instead I want to execute whole code from the SDRAM or OCRAM on SEGGER Embedded Studio. This kind of facility is provided on MCUXpresso as "Link application to RAM". Thanks again, Nalin

  • CPU performance improvement

    nalinnakum - - emWin related


    Hi emWin Team, I want to improve CPU performance on emWin for that I need help from your end. I am using MIMXRT1060_EVKB kit and develop the UI screen using APPWizard V130_626d and use For CPU load calculation I have used “OS_STAT_GetLoadMeasurement” API. Do you have any reference code that use Hardware acceleration module? How can I excecated code from the RAM on SEGGER Embedded Studio? Do you support "Cacheable Container" kind of functionality as supported by TouchGFX? Is there any other way b…

  • emWin Longevity

    nalinnakum - - emWin related


    I know emWin is provide valuable support since last 20 years but If today I will select emWin than what amount of minimum time support will persist? What kind of technical support emWin can provide? Is it free or paid?