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  • Hi. I'm trying to get debugger working (J-link ultra+) mbed program. I've got ST 32L476G discovery -board and I've exported keil-project (DISCO_L476VG_GlassLCD) from online IDE. However as-is it doesn't seem to build the project properly. Is there any documentation how to setup mbed project for embedded studio?

  • Ok, i managed to solve the debugging part. It was matter of non-working nordic family package, page start address in debugger settings and makefile rules However still no luck with the tracing.

  • Hi. I'm trying to get Linux debugging and developement environment working for said Nordic chip. I can flash it with nordic tools and also with eclipse by makefile flash target (uses also said tools). However I cannot get any uart traces out of the system nor I can get the debugger to attach to HW. When I press the debug I can see the user thread for a second, before both nordic board SW apparently crashes and debugger reports terminated state (-1 returns for JLinkGDBServer and gdb & 0 for SWV).…