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  • I have an older ARM Flasher debugger. Using it, I have reliable RTT/JScope plotting over a 4MHz SWD connection. I also have a new J-link PLUS Compact. It seems to be capable of much more throughput with an identical setup. However, I seem to get a lot of what look like bit errors. Timestamp goes all over the place creating unreadable charts (I had a screenshot but lost it to a BSOD) Without a timestamp, my floats jump to NaN and unsigned ints get giant on occasion. Has anyone else experienced di…

  • I'm using JScope heavily for some debugging in RTT mode. I would like to rename/configure traces more permanently/programmatically. If I rename them in the XML config, it works when I load the project, but the names get lost when I connect to a target. The scale/zero position/line drawing options are saved through resets of the MCU but not when you relaunch the app. It would also be handy to visually mark the resets in the GUI.

  • I recently learned that RTT Viewer Terminals support colors (and a couple other control codes)…#using-text-control-codes I'd seen that Terminal 1 showed up in Red in the All Terminals tab. I was confused to find out that when adding color control characters, they do work, but only in the respective specific terminals and *not* in the All Terminals tab. The White/Red/Grey coloring only applies to the All Terminals tab. I am requesting a way to show the colors that a…