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  • Modal Window

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. Can I make the modal window only for one parent window? For other windows this window will not be modal.

  • Alpha blending not work

    Raash - - emWin related


    I fixed it. Could not work for you, because problem in the driver. You need to fix the function DMA2D_MixColors() #if (GUI_USE_ARGB == 1) #define DMA2D_ALPHA_CMP_COLOR 0x00000000 #else #define DMA2D_ALPHA_CMP_COLOR 0xFF000000 #endif static LCD_COLOR DMA2D_MixColors(LCD_COLOR Color, LCD_COLOR BkColor, U8 Intens) { if((BkColor & 0xFF000000) == DMA2D_ALPHA_CMP_COLOR) return Color; uint32_t ColorFG = Color ^ DMA2D_ALPHA_CMP_COLOR; uint32_t ColorBG = BkColor ^ DMA2D_ALPHA_CMP_COLOR; ... return (Color…

  • Alpha blending not work

    Raash - - emWin related



  • Alpha blending not work

    Raash - - emWin related


    With this in other examples, all the same. What version of IAR should it be? I have a 7.50.3.

  • Alpha blending not work

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. In the library STemWin540_CM4_IAR_ARGB.а alpha blending does not work. In the library STemWin540_CM4_IAR.A alpha blending works. Checked various options with functions: GUI_EnableAlpha(), GUI_SetAlpha(), GUI_SetUserAlpha(). Is it a library or configuration problem?

  • Before GUI_Init, you need to enable the CRC module. This STemWin feature is specified in the STM documentation.

  • Bug in GUI_ALLOC_GetNumFreeBlocks?

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. What is the recommended size for the block memory GUI_BLOCKSIZE? Function set GUI_ALLOC_SetAvBlockSize(GUI_BLOCKSIZE)

  • emWin and DMA2D

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. LCD_ControlCache() I tried, there was no result. To date, there is no way to buffer the data pointers that need to be displayed? To output these pointers using the interrupt DMA2D. Is such a functional expected in the future for the full use of DMA2D?

  • Changing the parent on the go?

    Raash - - emWin related


    For the keyboard, make an unedged window without focus. More precisely, if the focus is lost, the keyboard window fills the focus back. The parent for him is the background. And it is always on top of other windows.

  • Multiple Buffering

    Raash - - emWin related


    I did not correctly put it. Meant what to use MemDev superfluous and it will take up resource resources. Is it so? Sorry for my English.

  • emWin and DMA2D

    Raash - - emWin related


    I understand, the chain of calls is this: GUI_EXec() ..->_LCD_DrawBitmap16bpp() ....->_DMA_Copy() ......{ ........................... ........DMA2D->CR |= DMA2D_CR_START; ........while(DMA2D->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) ......} if I write the parameters of the _DMA_Copy() function in my circular buffer and I will call them using DMA2D_ISR_Handler(), then the picture collapses. Since the pointers for _DMA_Copy () will no longer be relevant. Can I use it LCD_ControlCache(LCD_CC_LOCK) and LCD_ControlCache…

  • Multiple Buffering

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. Do I understand correctly? What if using Multiple Buffering, then MemDev can not be used?

  • emWin and DMA2D

    Raash - - emWin related


    Dear Segger. Is there an option in EmWin, determine end of transmission DMA2D, using the interrupt DMA2D_ISR_Handler() . And do not use poling while(DMA2D->CR & DMA2D_CR_START). Example in the previous post.

  • How to get the window ID?

    Raash - - emWin related


    see function WM_GetId().

  • Multiple Buffering

    Raash - - emWin related


    Got it. Thank you. Where is the memory area for Multiple Buffering? How much memory should I allocate?

  • emWin and DMA2D

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. Used controller STM32F429, LTDC, DMA2D and LCD 7 inc resolution 800x480 pixels. For example, the function of copying the buffer looks like this: static void DMA2D_CopyBuffer(uint32_t layer_index, void* pSrc, void* pDst, uint32_t x_size, uint32_t y_size, uint32_t off_line_src, uint32_t off_line_dst) { uint32_t PixelFormat = GetPixelformat(layer_index); DMA2D->CR = 0x00000000UL | (1 << 9); // Memory to memory and TCIE /* Set up pointers */ DMA2D->FGMAR = (uint32_t)pSrc; // Source address DM…

  • Multiple Buffering

    Raash - - emWin related


    Hello. Tell me what is more efficient to use for Multiple Buffering: VM_MULTIBUF_Enable (1); or for each dialog, window static void _cbStatus(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) { ... switch (pMsg->MsgId) { case WM_PRE_PAINT: GUI_MULTIBUF_Begin(); break; case WM_POST_PAINT: GUI_MULTIBUF_End(); break; ... } }