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  • We have a similar bug [SOLVED] Reason=27 means in Deatail section of task which is closed as resolved, while it's not true for SystemView 3.52a This version of SystemView contains the following string TaskState 0xFC 4=Delayed, 27=Suspended in the SYSVIEW_FreeRTOS.txt file. While the right string should be TaskState 0xFF 4=Delayed, 27=Suspended

  • the issue is closed. seems SystemView was configured with a particular RTT block address. changes in the SYSVIEW_FREERTOS_MAX_NOF_TASKS leads to a different RTT block address

  • do you have this issue? SystemView 3.52a FreeEdition TaskInfo limitation?

  • I have a project with around 17 tasks. SystemView is integrated. with a default define like #define SYSVIEW_FREERTOS_MAX_NOF_TASKS 8 SystemView is able to connect to the system and record the activity, the drawback is only missed task info above 8th task. 10:54:37 - License Manager: No license servers discovered. 10:54:37 - JLink: Device "STM32F745VE" selected. 10:54:37 - JLink: InitTarget() start 10:54:37 - JLink: SWD selected. Executing JTAG -> SWD switching sequence. 10:54:37 - JLink: DAP ini…

  • Quote from arcrong: “Wortk with S32K314 + FreeRTOS. In the Contexts window, some tasks cannot display information such as Name, Type, and Stack Information, but can display CPU load and other information. Why can't I view the information for these tasks? Did I miss anything? Only edit the following code. #ifndef BUFFER_SIZE_UP #define BUFFER_SIZE_UP (10240)//(1024) // Size of the buffer for terminal output of target, up to host (Default: 1k) #endif What shounld I do to solve this problem?Thanks.…

  • An additional question: In the RTOSPlugin_embOS.c I saw a such structure. typedef struct { signed short offset; unsigned short bits; } STACK_REGS; static const STACK_REGS _CortexM4FStackOffsets[] = { { 0x28, 32 }, // R0 { 0x2C, 32 }, // R1 { 0x30, 32 }, // R2 { 0x34, 32 }, // R3 { 0x04, 32 }, // R4 { 0x08, 32 }, // R5 { 0x0C, 32 }, // R6 { 0x10, 32 }, // R7 { 0x14, 32 }, // R8 { 0x18, 32 }, // R9 { 0x1C, 32 }, // R10 { 0x20, 32 }, // R11 { 0x38, 32 }, // R12 { -2, 32 }, // SP { 0x3C, 32 }, // LR…

  • The question was about a return type of these functions. example from the doc: int TARGET_WriteU32(U32 Addr, U32* pData);

  • What about pfWriteUxx() ?

  • Hello, I'm developing a RTOS plugin for gdb server. Our os is based on FreeRTOS. I'm working with SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V6.34c Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V6.34c (DLL compiled Aug 23 2018 10:59:29) During a debugging I found strange things. Loading RTOS plugin: /opt/SEGGER/JLink_V634c/GDBServer/ RTOS_GetVersion RTOS plugin (API v1.0) loaded successfully RTOS_Init(0x0x64fb60, 0x0e0000ff) RTOS plugin initialized successfully. RTOS_GetSymbols Received symbol: pxCu…

  • Yes, I sent u PM

  • Is where any way to add a custom flash loader to the JLinkCommander? the latest version 6.16c doesn't work with with my external qspi I'm unable to do a full erase of my qspi chip. The latest working version was 6.15e Erasing flash [020%] ****** Error: Can not read register 15 (R15) while CPU is running ****** Error: Can not read register 7 (R7) while CPU is running ****** Error: Can not read register 6 (R6) while CPU is running ****** Error: Can not read register 5 (R5) while CPU is running ***…

  • In case of several flash records (FlashBankInfo) in the JLinkDevices.xml file is it possible to specify a particular record for use using script of monitor command?

  • The endianity issue has been solved using a Custom Flash Loader.

  • BOOTROM always uses 64LE, this is a hardware implementation of BOOTROM. BOOTROM is able to program the flash by itself using communication procedure with a host. Looks like the 64LE mode is forever. Segger is used only for debug purposes and the convenient way is just to pass "load a.elf' command to the gdb. The rest is handled by jlink. In this case application can't be run without jlink (dword swap issue). Doing a special dance with dword swap in the code/data sections in the ELF file is a bit…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “the SEGGER QSPI flash loader only works in LE32 mode. Therefore, changing the mode to LE64 before flash download will cause the flash loader to be defunct. If changing the mode in "HandleAfterFlashProg()" does not work for you, you need to use your own flash loader.” Looks like this callback is called AFTER UnInit loader function because of *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** HandleAfterFlashProg *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCo…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “ Quoted schema is the following: SEGGER QSPI init -> callback -> real QSPI download data This is not possible with the current version. Could you please explain what you are trying to achieve?” The goal is simple, I want to run my application located in the QSPI using BOOTROM startup procedure. The application could be loaded to the QSPI in 2 ways. 1) using jlink software 2) using sbloader functionality of BOOTROM the way 1) is preferable because of sw debugging proc…

  • Is it possible to have more than 1 source file in the project? I add 4 c source files and have the following error in the Release mode Building ‘Template_CortexM’ from solution ‘Template_CortexM’ in configuration ‘Release’ Compiling ‘macronix.c’ Assembler messages: ignoring changed section attributes for PrgCode Linking Template_CortexM.elf Output/Release/Exe/Template_CortexM.elf section `.text.libc.__int32_div' will not fit in region `UNPLACED_SECTIONS' region `UNPLACED_SECTIONS' overflowed by …

  • In the example we have only 1 definition of "Flash device type". This is #define ONCHIP (1) // On-chip Flash Memory Can we use this define for an external QSPI flash? Do we need a different define? the field SectorStartAddr in the struct SECTOR_INFO is unclear for me. Is it possible to have some info about this address? what does it mean?

  • I saw this article. Unfortunately the default example doesn't work, I think the issue is in the section names inside the elf file. Is it possible to have an example of correct ld file?

  • No, this stuff doesn't work. *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** HandleBeforeFlashProg *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** value = 0x00000000 *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** read u32 from:0x400DA000 *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** MCR = value = 0xFFFFFFFF *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** *** J-Link V6.16c Executing PCode *** HandleAfterFlashProg *** J-Link V6.16c…