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  • Thank you for your quick response! Regarding 3.: Seems like we were delaying OS_Init until a bit later in that exact control path so we were calling OS_malloc before OS_Init which caused the issue. Regarding 1. and 2.: We are using the IAR 9.40.1 shipped version of the embOS plugin, which is Many thanks, Javier

  • 1. Which embOS do you use? embOS for ARM 5.16.1 with IAR 9.40.1 and J-Link. 2. Which CPU and eval board do you use? ST STM32WB55VG. Hello, We are currently migrating a couple of projects from IAR 9.32.2 to IAR 9.40.1 to test it. We have encountered some issues we didn't have with the previous versions of IAR that are embOS related. 1. When trying to debug one of the projects, we get a new error when connecting to the target in the form of Wed Jun 21, 2023, 11:08:42: : Error: Unknown or ambiguous…