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  • I have attached a folder with the batch file, a few bitmaps, and the resultant C files. You can erase the .c files and run the batch file to recreate them. As there are 4 bitmaps in the bmp directory, I'm prompted 4 times with the popup. Environment Windows 10 Enterprise Version 20H2 Build 19042.985

  • Thank you for assisting, but I don't get the desired outcome. Even with the -hide command, for each file, the popup comes up and I have to press "OK" and I then have to exit out of the BmpCvtNXP. batch file: @echo off setlocal for %%f in (bmp\*.bmp) do ( "C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\BmpCvtNXPV610\BmpCvtNXP.exe" %%f -convertintobestpalette -saveas.\c\%%~nf.c",1,5,0 -ARGB -hide -exit ) Thanks Again.

  • When running the bitmap converter from the command line (as a user would via batch file when they have many bitmap files to convert), the message indicating that Bitmap Converter is subject to the NXP End User License is an annoyance. Please implement that popup differently in a later release so that the -exit flag still works. Thank you.