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  • Good day, SEGGER team. Yes, I can confirm that after clear installation of V698c debug is not available but after installing libncurses5 all functionality fully restored. So, for the Ivan and future users here some workaround: 1. Fully remove all installed previously JLink and dependencies by executing: sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove jlink 2. Install required JLink version downloaded from dedicated page (according to my tests affected versions are from 6.98a to 7.20a) 3. Additionally install l…

  • Also tested with latest release V720a: - Removed all installed JLink by executing sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove jlink - Download and installed JLink_Linux_V720a_x86_64.deb - Run VSCode and hit F5 - "buffer overflow detected" error (check the attached screenshot) Log from Output tab bellow: (Hidden Content)

  • Good day, Alex! First of all - thanks for finding time to look into this issue! After reading your messages I decided to repeat your steps as described: - I rolled back VM to state which I provided. - Tested V6.92 which was installed - works. - Installed V6.98c (from your Download folder) - it works too... At this stage I was pretty discouraged - I am sure that in VM that I provided the issue has been present. So the hunt begins… In the following description I will operate only with provided deb…

  • Greetings, dear SEGGER team! 2 weeks passed by, any news by this topic? I tested latest release named V7.00 - I can't see same error but debug doesn't start anyway.

  • Good day! I tested newest version ( named 6.98d ) - all symptoms are the same. Any new on this topic?

  • Good day, Erik. As I promised - below you can find a link to freshly installed, clean, packed and ready VM. (Hidden Content) Info: Software: VirtualBox Version 6.1.18 r142142 (Qt5.6.2) User and pass: main/main Sample project path: /home/main/Desktop/Sample/ Toolchain path: /home/main/Downloads/gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q4-major/ IDE: Visual Studio Code (if it's possible to call it IDE) Note: You won't be able to compile project since I made scripts only for Debug tests. Also - this project prepa…

  • Good day and thanks for reply! I am sure that you will be able to re-create issue since I also tried with another freshly installed VM with same OS and drivers. Anyway I'm ready to prepare another VM instance (more compact than my usual ones) for you once again by first request. Also I tested latest drivers named V6.98b - problem still present. I am attaching screenshots of system error report -maybe they will be useful in tracking issue.…

  • Greetings! Lately I faced critical error after updating J-Link drivers from 6.44d to 6.98a. After update my system cannot run debug with GDB. Process halted after connection to target with "buffer overflow detected" message. Setup: Target: KIT_XMC47_RELAX with on-board J-Link based on XMC4200 Platform: Ubuntu 20.04 LTE (VirtualBox) Driver: 6.98a (and all previous since 6.94) I checked available drivers - all from 6.44d (which I initially used) till 6.92 are fine. Problem started at 6.94. Also ch…

  • Good day, Nino! I checked latest release of driver package v6.44 and within release notes found great news: Quote from Release notes for J-Link software and documentation package - Version V6.44 (2019-03-01): “Firmware: J-Link-OB-XMC4200: Using the command in J-Link Commander before connecting to the target device could cause the J-Link firmware to hang and report a USB timeout. Fixed. ” Quick local test showed that all described above features are working perfectly. Thanks!

  • Thanks for the reply, Nino! Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “Regarding BMI we recommend the following Wiki article: ” Yes, i saw this article. Unfortunatly i dont have original J-Link to reproduce pre-compilled scripts so I'm limited with on-board J-Link capabilities. I tried several ways and several J-Link firmwares (which automatically installed with newer version of J-Link drivers) and came to following - integrated in DAVE scripts works fine with older firmware (such as v6.…

  • Good day. Recently I discovered small mulfinction in latest firmware of J-Link Lite regarding BMI (Boot Mode Index) change in XMC1 with DAVE v4.4.2 software. Related topic: Problem with setting BMI value of Infineon XMC1000 via J-Link Hardware setup: - XMC1400 Boot Kit with on-board J-Link Lite (based on XMC4200). Sofware setup: - DAVE 4.4.2 (tested both x32 and x64 versions) - J-Link driver package v6.00d - J-Link driver package v6.42d (actually all packages statring from V6.40b to the latest) …