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  • Hello All, I'm facing a weird issue with RTT. I have 2 i.MX RT1062-based boards (Same processor but different board design for 2 separate purposes). Both of them have FreeRTOS and the code is running from External SDRAM. They also have RTT, but while the RTT messages on 1 board are displayed perfectly fine, on the other board, the RTT messages keep repeating along with new RTT messages. Any clue on what might be the issue? Please let me know if you need further details about the boards. Thanks i…

  • Hello All, I'm facing a weird issue with RTT. I have 2 i.MX RT1062-based boards (Same processor but different board design for 2 separate purposes). Both of them have FreeRTOS and the code is running from External SDRAM. They also have RTT, but while the RTT messages on 1 board are displayed perfectly fine, on the other board, the RTT messages keep repeating along with new RTT messages. Any clue on what might be the issue? Please let me know if you need further details about the boards. Thanks i…