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  • Hi! Since switching to SES v3.12 I have started to encounter compiling error: C Source Code (1 line) I have a project where I mix up C++ and C, so any extern "C" allocation declarations ending up with this compiler error. When following multiple threads about this, I have hit the suggestion that one should somehow disable this flag at the global compiler settings - source . I get the same error for -Wno-strict-prototypes. I am using gnu11 and gnu++1y compiler standards. Is there any workaround f…

  • Hi! I followed advice described at stackoverflow but I could not get the project options correct to run either a pre-compile command Source Code (1 line) or supply any additional arguments to the compiler like Source Code (1 line) What I am missing or not noticing?

  • Bravo! Thank you

  • Hi! I tried to put this [SOLVED] JLinkRTTLogger for linux and this together I can see the RTT output from the SES, it works every time I start the debugging session. Also it works so that I start the debugging session, open JLinkRTTClient on the command line, hit run and then I can see the output on the command line. But I cannot see anything when I trigger the Source Code (1 line) on the command line. Therefore is my question, what are the sett…