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  • I discovered an additional detail. I noticed that in .jlink file that uses IAR has the string Device="ARM7". I used J-Link Commander and tried to connect to my controllers as to ARM7, but I was offered the JTAG interface, which did not suit me, then I tried to connect to the Cortex-M7 and it worked! After that, J-Flash was also able to connect normally. This causes both joy and doubt, because I still don't understand how I can solve this problem.

  • Hello everyone. I ran into a problem when using J-Link to program GD32H7 controllers. The fact is that I cannot connect to the controller using J-Flash until I connect using IAR, which also uses J-Link. I have fixed the J-Flash and IAR logs and I see that they have a slightly different connection process, but I do not know how to get J-Flash to use IAR logic. I will attach the recorded logs below. This happens with the GD32H759I-EVAL developer board, and also with the device that I made myself b…