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  • Thanks rols, I zoomed in max possible and there is no tick mark. I see that the User Start log is counting number of times it called but I also want to see this in the timeline. I know that the rows are actuals tasks which makes a lot of sense for RTOS devices, but with no RTOS I do not want to search the whole log if some user event happens after couple of seconds of running the system. Maybe I should create a macro to make it think that the subroutine is a task by sending packets similar to th…

  • Hi, Maybe I should rephrase my words. Is this function SEGGER_SYSVIEW_OnUserStart correct to use for function profiling and also be able to see it in the task view with the timeline?

  • The system descriptor is limited to 128 bytes (define in SEGGER_SYSVIEW_MAX_STRING_LEN). This does not suit well if we have debug many interrupts and want to name the interrupts. Many embedded systems are having more than 32 IRQs . If the change the buffer size to 256 then the systemview PC tool is not able to cope with it and bails out. If I split the descriptor to things as below SEGGER_SYSVIEW_SendSysDesc("I#15=SysTick,I#19=SPI0_TWI0_IRQ,I#22=GPIOTE_IRQ,I#28=TEMP_IRQ,I#29=RNG_IRQ,I#30=ECB_IRQ…

  • This event only shows up in the Events log but not in the list ofo contexts switch. Is this a bug?

  • [Solved] Name the ISR

    Aryan438 - - SEGGER SystemView related


    fantastic, works like a charm. And thank you for super fast response. I am working in Nordic Semiconductor tech support and evaluating this tool. So far it has been great.

  • Hi, I am using the NoOS port of the SystemView and I want to monitor some interrupt routines. I haven't looked much into the code but I want to name the interrupt routines so that I can differentiate them correctly on the GUI. Right now I see that the are named ISR #22 and ISR #33 which is kind of confusing. Can you tell me how I can name my ISR as SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RecordEnterISR() does not take any arguments. I tried putting SEGGER_SYSVIEW_NameResource(SEGGER_SYSVIEW_EVENT_ID_ISR_ENTER, "GPIOTE_I…