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  • Further investigation and a few other posts regarding this suggests the default behaviourof the J-Link software is to always reset the XMC device before it connects because attaching turned out to be unreliable with the XMCseries. I'm yet to find a solution though, another post suggested breaking my application in my IDE just afterI call the SystemView configuration. And then connecting SystemView at thispoint. All I get is cannot find the RTT control block however, even if I manually enter the …

  • HelloAll, I am running FreeRTOS on an XMC4500 and trying to integrate Systemview. I have included all of the Systemview source code and I believe I have configured it all correctly. The project compiles and runs fine until I try and start Systemview recording. As soon as I try and connect Systemview the XMC resets and halts at the reset vector routine. I have got Systemview running fine on a STM device, which makes me think it's something specific to t…