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  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “there are a few options : 1) Open flash loader We plan to implement a new J-Link DLL extension called open flash loader which will allow customers to write / use their own flash algorithms with J-Link. We plan to release Open flash loader later this year. If you are interested in, I can add you to the J-Link software and update notification system, so that you get informed automatically, once new versions of the J-Link software are available. 2) Manual Flash algorith…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “Hi Nick, the major part of devices will work without J-Link knowing the device name (= J-Link using auto detection), however a decent amount of devices does not and need special handling. J-Link can only execute a special handling if it gets the device name passed. In your case, the J-Link seems the read an invalid AP ID while trying to figure out if it is a Cortex A/R device. Quote: “ It seems that, in order to get a successful connection with JLink, I must first ru…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Erik: “Cortex M0 r0p0 is just the architecture but not the device name. We need the device manufacturer + device name (e.g. ST STM32F103ZE, Atmel ATSAM3S1A, etc....). - Erik” Hi Erik, I do not know the device name because it is an embedded device in a sensor chip. All I know is that it is an M0. It is not a standalone micro chip like the kind that you would buy from ST or Atmel. Will this be an issue? Nick

  • Quote from SEGGER - Niklas: “Hi Nick, Quote: “ Cortex M0 ” can you specify which device you are trying to connect to? Could you try to call J-Link Commander with a device specified ? e.g. "JLink.exe -Device STM32F103ZE" Best regards, Niklas” Hi Niklas, I do not know the device name. It is an embedded M0 in a sensor chip that I talk to (in functional mode) with either SPI or I2C. The register set is very simple as is the control of loading the M0 code in flash and running it. I have successfully …

  • Quote from SEGGER - Erik: “Hi Nick, What target device are you using? Are you using custom hardware or an evaluation board? In the latter case, what's the name of the board? - Erik” Erik, I am using a custom board with a Cortex M0 r0p0 micro. Nick

  • I have tried several times to connect to J-Link with most attempts failing with the above error message. However, I did get it once to connect. See the J-Link log below. I would be thankful for any comments. Regards, Nick SEGGER J-Link Commander V5.00k ('?' for help) Compiled Jul 31 2015 15:49:17 DLL version V5.00k, compiled Jul 31 2015 15:48:52 Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Jun 23 2015 10:00:59 Hardware: V9.30 S/N: 269305033 OEM: SEGGER-EDU Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB Emulator has Trace capability …

  • Hi, I am a new owner and user of a J-LINK EDU. When I try to connect it to my Cortex M0 board through the SWD port I get the following message. Can you tell me what the WARNING means and how to fix it. Thanks and Regards, Nick SEGGER J-Link Commander V5.00k ('?' for help) Compiled Jul 31 2015 15:49:17 DLL version V5.00k, compiled Jul 31 2015 15:48:52 Firmware: J-Link V9 compiled Jun 23 2015 10:00:59 Hardware: V9.30 S/N: 269305033 OEM: SEGGER-EDU Feature(s): FlashBP, GDB Emulator has Trace capabi…