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  • Hello All, I have added custom marker to monitor function performance. Below is snip of code: Source Code (12 lines) How do I monitor this in systemview?

  • Thanks for the reply... I updated my code with following Source Code (5 lines) SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Start(); was missing from my original code and putting heap definition after this line seems to work. It works even with the running target

  • Hello All, I successfully integrated segger's RTT and system view to my project and can see monitor the freertos task. I am now trying to integrate heap allocation feature, this is specifically desired for the malloc and not for freertos heap. I am using Keil for project compilation and here is my attempt to view heap In main: Source Code (6 lines) and in one of the task I have following code: Source Code (5 lines) Segger's system view gives following output, please see attached image I am not s…