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  • Alex, Thanks for the reply. I must have had ST on the brain the other day. I'll look at the latest version and try it out. Again, thanks. Steve

  • Alex, Thanks for your reply. Here's my setup: I have an ST-2134 on a board that I test as part of the manufacturing process. The main microprocessor is held reset after the board is powered up and I make DC measurements. The Reset line is toggled low then high using non-Segger hardware. The JLink RESET line isn't wired to to 2134 RESET Line. I call the JFlash exe using the 2138 job, and load our .bin file the job executes using the -auto, exit parameters the JFlash program reports that the micro…

  • Hello, I'm using two SEGGER J-link units in a test fixture in our manufacturing plant to program NXP2134 devices on seperate PCBs as part of our manufacturing process. We've been trying to upgrade the J-Link/J-Flash software from V3.80a to V3.90d, and after we did this, can't get the device to communicate with our test software after release the reset on our micro. I'm able to switch between the old and new versions, and both report erasing, programming and verifying the device, but when we allo…

  • Thanks Rolf! Since the parts program and verify, I assumed that nothing bad is occurring, but I wanted to be sure. the pop-up occurs by itself. Steve

  • Hello, I'm using a Jflash executable call to program two LPC2134 devices in a multithreaded test sequence. Occasionally, something causes a pop-up to display on the screen which I can't account for. Since it's a recent occurance, I'd like to know if I should be concerned or not. The device programs, even with the pop-up. I hope I've included a screen shot of the display. The pop-up is at the upper-right. [img][/img] thanks, St…

  • Random J-Flash error

    SteveM - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Tobias, I thought that was happening. I was trying to work around that by having one thread wait for about .5 secs. I'll give your method a try Steve

  • Random J-Flash error

    SteveM - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, I'm using two J-links and J-Flash to program a device on two different PCBs during manufacturing test. My hardware is set up per the J-Link manual (chapter 4) and the software that I'm using (TestStand) runs the JflashARM.exe in two different threads via a command line call. Occasionally, I'll receive an error message that on or the other threads can't access the J-link.ini file. My theory is that the two executables are occasionally trying to write to the ini file. Is this a valid theory…