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  • Is it possible to download and debug an app that is expecting to be run in bank 0 on a chip that is set to boot from bank 1? I wonder if I am hoping for the impossible. I think it should be possible but I wonder if it is so weird that the switches aren't available. I have managed to download it but it seems that it has put it in bank 1 @ 0 rather than bank 0 @ 0 (looking in the debugger memory over 0x20000 appears as -- which normally implies no flash there. Even after the startup sequence setti…

  • [SOLVED] Problem

    mumble_myopia - - J-Link/Flasher related


    If I want to specify the device via the control panel, I have to navigate a monumental list of devices. Apart from the fact the traversing of this list (probably down to Windows) is pretty awkward, we are only ever interested in a small (less that 10) subset. Is there a way of reducing the list offered so our life is easier?

  • I can't say everything is working on my bootloader yet but as far as the original Q is concerned, yes that explains what I was seeing so it can be closed.

  • Ta very much! You're absolutely right and it explains an awful lot. I have no idea where I got the 0x80000 from - at least I have been consistent:-} I have been working based on that for a while and I was sure I'd checked it before I contacted you originally. [Later] Ah I see it now. It came from the AN2675 ST document which gives (sort of) guidelines on how to write a boot loader. At least I'm not going totally daft. Danke vielmals!!!

  • Yes boot bank set to be 1. My turn to say you didn't read what I said The address I'm looking at is 0x80000 (4 zeros) as I am trying to write to bank 0 ... which should be there.

  • BTW I'm not sure if specifying the device via the taskbar is nec. for J-flash (behaviour is the same if I don't) but thought I'd do it to cover that base

  • If I do a read entire chip (as it happens just after erasing a sector of flash) using J-flash the returned data implies there is no memory at the address (0x80000) - or I assume it does as it shows "--" for its value. If I go to the IAR debugger it shows FF. Now I am more inclined to believe the J-flash SW but would rather the IAR is right (as it would mean the erase sector call worked). Sequence is:- 1) run jflash - using STR912_Bootbank1.jflash 2) I select device str912FAW47 Bootbank 1 in the …

  • Certainly the problem from the original post is resolved - ta very! Up and running? Well may be better described as staggering with only one eye working (and that one has some grains of sand in it) Feel free to close it

  • Progress

    mumble_myopia - - J-Link/Flasher related


    I tried disabling the flash downloader in IAR and enabling the device specific in J-link and have got further without the errors.

  • Ok ta. The target I'm wanting to ultimately get things going on is actually the STR912FAW47 (loadsa Flash) so if that is easier for you then let me know and I'll build for that. Incidentally another problem I had (with the STR912FAW47) was that IAR would download the image to both bank 0 and bank 1 when Ctrl-D was pressed which was weird. What problems have you had with STR9 devices (should I know about them before embarking down this road)?

  • I selected STR912FW44 (Bootbank:1) and got the same error. It is sllightly unintuitive that (but may well be a limit of the API it runs under) not having an Ok or Apply button. Having got the error again I openned the J-link control panel again and it had registered my change.

  • you were too quick - spotted that as you were typing. Sorry - I'm gettiong old ... and smelly

  • Obviously I'd rather not disable the unlimited breakpoints having paid for them Just reread your post and followed the instructions but it didn't seem to make any difference (changing the device) Ta for the speedy response BTW. I've been using IAR with STR9 for quite a few years now but am now having to write a boot loader and so am learning about the flash as I go. There don't seem to be any examples of one that are concurrent with the modern IAR so I am having to try and convert old ones (with…

  • I am trying to do some programmatic flash programming using IAR vn 6.3 and a j-link plus. I have a small project which downloads fine to address 0 (boot bank set to 1) with FlashSTR91xF.board specified in IAR as downloader but when I try stepping through it a J-link error appears immediately "Programming failed @ address 0x00002EF4 (Algo13: Unspecified error #16). Then I get option to abort the debug session but IAR dies convincingly - I have to terminate it and restart. Can you throw some light…