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  • I figured it out, and thought I would share in case someone else needs the information. Turns out the IMX RT family needs a separate flashloader program that lives on-chip to correctly program external flash. MCUXpresso uses their internal flashloader which is why we needed to use their tool to boot first. But, it turns out an NXP engineer also wrote a flashloader for the IMX RT family to work with JLink: Instructions on how to use it are here (…

  • Hello, we are encountering a bit of a problem with a JLINK probe / JLINK commander on a custom board which uses the IMXRT1170 Rev B processor. JLINK only has device IMXRT1170 Rev "A" as a supported device, for which most of the functionality works. However, there is one important difference regarding how the chip boots up initially. NXP actually has a pretty good explanation of the issue in the header of the reset script they use for their probes: 1 REM ====================================== 2 R…