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  • C Source Code (204 lines)I modified the code and now it works as I want. I have commented GUI_Init() and WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(1) because I am already calling them in main.c. Thank you Shoenen!

  • I have attached my code as well as output after making some changes to your code. When I debug this code, I get the following result: 1. The code starts with the display showing a small red window with the button named "Select Win2". 2. When I press "Select Win2" button, I get a green window (fully covers the display since I have passed LCD_GetXSize() and LCD_GetYSize() as arguments) with a button named "Select Win1". 3. When I press "Select Win1" button, I get a red window which again fully cov…

  • This works fine but what I am trying to do is following: 1. My display is 640x480 and I want to create first page (GUI_BLUE) with full display size. A button on this page, when pressed, would take me to another page (GUI_RED). 2. Button on second page, when pressed, takes me back to the BLUE page. Can this be achieved by WM_SetFocus() when button is pressed? Since the display size is 640x480, I think I would have to create a display of XSize 640*2. I am not sure about this though.

  • I am able to create different dialog boxes but what I am trying to do is that I need to create 2 windows and when I press the button in window 1 then window 2 should be displayed and vice-versa. I went through example codes but could not find anything that does what I want. Any help would be appreciated.