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  • I’m already attaching to GDB inside the container. The issue is rather that the telnet from docker to host adds too much latency for RTT Viewer. All I would need is a single byte change, but obviously this would be reverse engineering discussion and that is strictly forbidden on this forum! I have a workaround for now. But it would be great if Segger realized that 50ms arbitrary and too fast for edge cases and made this an argument or just increased it. It’s not even my biggest issue with RTT Vi…

  • I could still use help on this. Ideally there would be a way to adjust the timeout, otherwise, if someone could adjust in it a new build that would be good too. Or even more ideally... Maybe this project is updated as a Tabby plug in or something a little more versatile?

  • * Running an STM32 device * JLink Ultra to Linux host machine over USB and SWD * VS Code remote dev container (docker) for my environment, cortex-debug extension in VS Code to active and use JLinkExe. So USB is tunneled inside to docker (linux to linux) * Docker exposing port 19021. HOST USB >> CONTAINER >> TCP 19021 >> HOST. It's a little weird, but the benefits of embedded with remote container can not be oversold. * RTTViewer is activated on my host machine * Using CONNECT TO EXISTING when I …

  • Solved. The very short answer is that Docker Desktop for Linux is not ready, don't use it. At a very minimum it does not seem to pipe USB or /dev through even when specifically requested. Uninstalled it. Installed the engine and utils instead. Had to edit .docker/config.json to remove "credsStore", but now it works perfectly in VS Code. USB pipes through with no special work in the Dockerfile or devcontainer config.

  • My OS is Linux Mint 21.2, using Docker Desktop. I'm working with VS Code remote containers. My container has JLink installed with dependencies with notes from this thread UDEVADM JLink Container Solution. Using root user and a basic container to get things up before dialing down, I can't seem to access my USB JLink. Source Code (8 lines) This does work under my OS installed JLink outside of the container. I'm not sure what to try next. Is there a log somewhere? Has anyone had this issue? Maybe a…

  • I assume that JLink reset command or GDB reset will get the micro to a default state. But what if I linked my code at a specific address and there is nothing at the default rom address? An IDE seems to hard fault, as it will send this basic reset, and the PC will jump to a location with no code. Is there a way to reset to a known/set state? I looked up reset strategies and didn't see much that was relevant to code (a vector table) missing from a default rom address. Thoughts?

  • If I set a data breakpoint for ==, no problem. If I change it to any other evaluation like >= or < I get a "?" over the breakpoint and it doesn't work anymore. Same issue as this guy:…52840dk-or-working-poorly Nordic NRF52840, SES 5.44 What can I try?