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  • I use J-Link plus to debug my FW on NRF52840 MCU - they connected by SWD I use JLinkExe to monitor the connection and read memory and in parallel get logs in JLinkRTTClient Few times today I saw this phenomena: I read using the mem command a value from the flash of the MCU I saw from logs that the FW updated this value in flash I read again using the mem command and saw that the value in flash didn't change(against my expectations) I exited from JLinkExe and re-entered (without reset the MCU) an…

  • I installed Segger software tools for ARM-based computers on Raspberry Pi. When I connect it to Segger jlink base it worked but when I tried to connect nrf52840-DK, which contains Segger OB, the JLinkEXE didn't recognise it. Why this happen? Is it possible to solve it?