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  • Hello. I'm trying to integrate the ITM/SWO support into my project. At first step, I wrote a code required to initialize the hardware and send out the text data. It works more or less fine. Though it still has some issues, at least I see the printouts in the "Terminal" window of the Ozone debugger. The problem is it is not convenient for the test team to run the complete debugger environment to get the application's printouts, so I tried to use the "JLinkSWOViewer" and "JLinkSWOViewerCL" tools I…

  • Thank you for fast reply, @SEGGER - AlexD. I'm looking forward for this fix. Also I have to note, that behavior of the "Trace Settings" is quite confusing as well. Sometimes it even completely fails to start data acquisition. For instance. I have a test firmware, which sends the "abcd\r\n" string a few times per second. The SWO frequency is 12MHz. The "Trace Settings" window specifies "Auto" for both CPU and SWO frequencies. When I start the debug session, the console reports me the following: W…

  • Hello. I had been playing with SWO recently and noticed the issue mentioned in the thread's header. More specifically, the Terminal window needs a character sequence to be terminated with at least LF character to actually display it. If there is no termination at all, or just the CR character, nothing is printed out. The "End Of Line" context menu one get when right-click in the windows has no impact on this behavior. It is very confusing, especially in the case of the SWO, which is quite compli…