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  • After hours of trying all kinds of things, I rebooted my system and now this runs great as usual. Who knows what that's about, but reinforcing the mantra to reboot and then worry.

  • All of a sudden today by SES both 5.70 (Nordic edition) and 7.20 hang on starting on win10. I use day2day 5.70 at this point and I've used this on many projects and have some open projects I'm working on. Today when I came into it, it started up normally with the dashboard page waiting to open a project on my list of projects. I have menu bars and all that but when I click on a project (or attempt to use the file->open project) it just hangs and does nothing. No CPU usage. can't click on anythin…

  • I need to use a mass erase on an MK22FN1M0 part to force into a serious reset. Things like J-flash lite erase as well as my Freescale KDS IDE are doing it in sectors rather than using the part to blow away everything on it. There is a "use chip erase" in J-Link control panel but I don't know how to push that through to other things. It does suggest this is possible at least. Is there maybe a script that I can use to do this using any of the stuff that comes with my J-Link base unit? Running J-Li…

  • Quote from awneil: “You must have missed something! My SES Projects have source files spread over a folder tree in the filesystem. When you create a New Folder in the 'Project Explorer', there is a 'Recurse into subdirectories' option - have you tried that ... ? ” Yah, this gives really mixed results. It looks like it should just give an image of the directory structure and it does sort of. You can't delete files from it. You can't exclude specific files from the build. You can't synchronize or …

  • How do I import an entire source tree into an existing project? If I've got say 200 files arranged in a deep directory tree structure that I want to include in the source of a project, how, besides adding each of them, do I get that directory tree added to the project? I want to preserve the directory structure in the project explorer too.

  • Using SystemView 2.40... I ran it at one point and then changed desks so my virtual screen layout is different on Windows 10 system. When I bring up SystemView it comes up with the popover window on my desktop but the main window is in outer space somewhere. On windows 8 this isn't too much of a problem because you can right click the icon in the tray and tell it to maximize and the act of doing that snaps it to the real window you are in. Win 10 doesn't have that option (oddly enough). If I clo…

  • I was able to get RTT working on this system. I can send prints to the terminal (J-LINK viewer). I was able to get SystemView to grab data with the "Read Recorded Data" after I inserted a SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Start() in the code. I get some variable data out of this: right now it doesn't have time information in it but I have seen it do that and get nice traces. I still can't get it to do a record real time. The target here is a Freescale MK22F256 part (Cortex M4) so the part shouldn't be the problem.…

  • No Starting or reading

    rjl - - SEGGER SystemView related


    I'm attempting to use FreeRTOS 9 with 2.38 in the code and 2.40 SystemView (I think) on KDS MK22F part. I've got the project set up with just an Idle task and nothing else. Bare metal past that without turning on anything else. I'm attempting to strip down the project to bare essentials. Talking to it with a J-LINK Lite running over SWD. I've got the thing compiled and running. I'm sure systemview is talking to the device as I accidentally left the debugger running and got a breakpoint that indi…