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  • I have recently updated my Segger Studio as versions below 7.32 all crash on init on my machine. Now a project Ive been working on for a while has build problems, see ARM 7.32a/gcc/arm-none-eabi/bin/ld:--defsym:1: undefined symbol `debug_putchar' referenced in expression why is this not defined any more, I know that it was part of the segger 5.64 bundle and the project built normally there (now it doesnt because I cannot even use the IDE due to the crashes), debug_putchar is defined in debugio.h…

  • you could try #ifdef __INT32_TYPE__ #undef __INT32_TYPE__ #endif #define __INT32_TYPE__

  • ive decided to go the ugly way and just erase those functions that use _impure_ptr

  • I have cross compiled gsl for my needs, and have added it to my project through the normal way, the error I get now is 'undefined reference to `_impure_ptr' which apparently is related to the library I am using in SES (it the native one) and I dont know how to use another (newlib) and if this could possibly break things in my project. Can anyone help here?

  • hey frank, thanks for your answer I took the archive files from version 2.7.1 and didnt change anything so basically there is only one version. Output looks like this for all the messages: 1> /Applications/SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 5.64/gcc/arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: /U/Desktop/tb/project/src/merged/performance/algorithm:41: undefined reference to `gsl_vector_get' so youre saying GSL needs unix/linux like platform but I am trying to use it on an ARM cortex-4, is that possible at all? language co…

  • Hi, I am currently trying to use the GNU Scientific library (gsl in a nordic related project in SES. for this reason, I have added the include path of the gsl library to the preprocessor user include directories and have added the path to the actual libraries (gsl.a and gslcblas.a) to the linker_additional_files option. I can find the declaration of the functions in use within the project, but on build, the .a files dont seem to be properly recognized, as im getti…