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  • After some investigations, I found that - SystemView timing is completely off (~250ms between 2 logs send by a timer triggered every 1.5s) but "real" timing is ok (check with an oscillo) - All the previous issues are not present if I disable the tickless mode. I use a custom tickless mode where I go in stop mode 2 and I'm wake up either by an interrupt or a RTC timer. It seems "normal" that timing is off in tickless because system timestamp (Cortex-M cycle counter.) is stop while I'm in tickless…

  • Hi I'm currently porting a non-OS firmware to FreeRTOS 10.2.1. I re-used a previous FreeRTOS /systemview setup that was working fine on an other project / mcu (but still cortex-M). Program has 3 tasks + 2 timers. My firmware seems to work as expected but when I enabled SystemView I saw that new tasks appeared out of the blue (task 0x1C06, 0XFCO, ...) This seems to happens only after some IRQ I think there is a "leak" somewhere but I don't know how to look for it. Any advice ? I used SystemView 3…

  • I solve this with - SEGGER_SYSVIEW_PrintfHost - #define SEGGER_SYSVIEW_PRINTF_IMPLICIT_FORMAT 1

  • I'm trying to do Source Code (1 line) but the only text displayed in SystemView is "this is a test", the %s is skip I also tried SEGGER_SYSVIEW_ErrorfHost but with no success. Is it normal ? SystemView version is 3.12

  • I recreate an empty project just to be sure that it wasn't something that I import that provoke the crash Attached is the elf file for a nucleo-L476

  • Hi So I'm currently working on a NUCLEO-L476 (so cortex m4f) with FreeRTOS 10.2.1. I only have one task : it waits for a notification from a button to blink a led The main is simple: Source Code (5 lines) My program works fine until I try to run SystemView. When I start SystemView, the program crash (see IDLE task) My FreeRTOS and SEGGER folder has been tested with a nucleo-F446 and work fine with SystemView Any idea what could be the cause of this err…

  • So I solved my problem with brute force .. I copy all the lib file from Jlink rep into SystemView rep. Not the cleanest solution but it works.

  • No one has a clue ?

  • So I change my stack size for this task (all other were 512words) but this one was 128 words (so 512bytes) I thought it was enough because the task didn't do a thing. But the va_start must use some stack ? is there a way to know how much ?

  • Hi So I start to play with RTT on a very simple program with 4 task on FreeRTOS Each task is very simple. Basically it displays the task name and toggle a led (dbg_printf_write function just add some data before using SEGGER_RTT_printf) C Source Code (13 lines) When the last task try to release the mutex, I got stuck on an assert After some research I found that the cullprit was the va_start inside SEGGER_RTT_printf. edit: I add a mutex just to be sure For some unknown reason, on the last printf…

  • A small update on my question

  • Hi So I've been using Stm32CubeIDE on Ubuntu 18.04 with a jlink without problem. Now I want to use SystemView in order to have more debug infos. So I download it and install it successfully (I have the demo running) but when I want to connect to my target, I get the message : Failed to start recording. J-Link Library not found. Make sure the J-link software is installed But I have the JLink /home/p330/opt/SEGGER/JLink_V644i/ (in my home opt folder) And SystemView /opt/SEGGER/SystemView (in the r…

  • It's seems more complicated than expected .... Trace signals are directly connect between the µC and the MIPI connector. The layout of the signals haven't been made perfect (it was a test to use the trace) but seems pretty straight forward. Here is a "dirty" capture of the layout. PCB height is around 65mm. (MIPI connector is on the bottom) I will try to probe them to see if there is any synchronisation problem. About the upgrade, I would love to get t…

  • Hello, I don't mind if the trace doesn't work before the clock configuration, it's more important for me that it works after I read the troubelshooting but I only have a USB j-trace so I don't have/find a webserver. I saw that I can overide timing in the ozone trace settings, but there is way too much combination to try them all ! Do I need to probe the traces pins to get the right timing ?

  • HI I have more time to investigate why my trace isn't working as expected. So I have created a CubeMX project for my stm32g767bi and generated an Atollic project. I configure ozone to use the 4 pin trace The µC is running @96MHz after the call to SystemClock_Config() So on this screenshot, we can see that the trace is working but when I step into the SystemClock_Config function, the trace no longer works after the call to HAL_RCC_ClockConfig on line 19…

  • Works fine with 6.32i

  • Hi I will try to install v6.32i this week and let you know about it

  • Hi After my holidays I decided to update my jlink driver from 6.20 to the last one available (6.34d) After updating my driver, I update the RTT file inside my project. But now when i tried to connect with the RTT Viewer to my target i get immediately an error "connection failed". I use a J-LINK USB trace probe on a STM32L1. I can program and debug without problem but the RTT viewer doesn"t work anymore Can you help me ?

  • Niklas , any idea ?

  • a small update on my problem