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  • Hello Adrian, I have some new information. The error window is now created with new flags: Source Code (4 lines) I now show the error window with these functions: Source Code (4 lines) And VERY NEW: To hide the error window I use this function: Source Code (1 line) It seems that the hiding of the error window is a little bit faster! But that's not enough. I think that the problem is in the generating of the auto-memory-device, when 2 separate windows with 2 separate message loops are involved. C…

  • In my application I create 27 dialog boxes at startup with GUI_CreateDialogBox(). I do NOT use an API function to set the dialog boxes to modal state. Nevertheless I guess, that only the current foreground dialog box is handled in the message handler. Reason: Timers in dialog boxes are stopped when they are pushed to background. Therefore I see the dialog boxes as modal. The currently required dialog box is brought to the foreground with WM_BringToTop() and WM_InvalidateWindow(). I use auto-memo…

  • Hi everyone, I need very urgent a solution for this problem: I use many dialogs in my application. To realize ownerdrawn buttons I set their transparency flag with WM_SetHasTrans(hBtn). Then I copy a memory device with a drawn JPEG image into the buttons area. This happens in the WM_PAINT of the dialog callback function. The WM_PAINT in the buttons callback function is empty. C Source Code (19 lines) And this is the annoying problem: With every click/release the button area flickers with the tra…