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  • Hi Til, thx again for the quick feedback. The scenarios are not about a deadlock and the mutexes are used correctly. I will contact the support as suggested. Bests, Christian

  • Hi Til, thx for the quick feedback. So if the logic in V4.04 is like I described, doesn't this mean that the issues in the mentioned scenarios can actually happen as described? I wouldn't necessarily call these things a bug, its maybe more a limitation of the priority inheritance mechansim which maybe should be documented somewhere. Bests, Christian

  • Hi again, I might be completely wrong but after having a quick look at the code it seems that the logic of priority inheritance works like this (at least in embOS 4.0.4): if a task is waiting for some resource and if the task which blocks this resource is ready to run, then pActiveTask is set to the task which requires the resource and pCurrentTask is set to the task which blocks the resource. If the task which blocks the resource is waiting for some resource as well, priority inheritance is not…

  • Hi, does anybody know how priority inheritance in embOS (we use version 4.04) works in more complex scenarios? Example: lets say we have five tasks LOWEST/LOW/MEDIUM/HIGH/HIGHEST with lowest/low/medium/high/highest priority and lets say we have two mutexes A and B (implemented using OS_Use and OS_Unuse). Now the following happens: * LOWEST locks mutex A * MEDIUM interrupts LOWEST, locks mutex B and waits for mutex A * Priority inheritance kicks in and continues task LOWEST with priority of MEDIU…