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  • I came across a similar problem when I read the full 32 megabytes, the last byte was 0 instead of the correct value. But there was no exception. Later I did this: #define SUPPORT_SEGGER_OPEN_READ (1) #define SUPPORT_NATIVE_READ_FUNCTION (0) In order for the segger software to understand that the data can be read directly in the memory mapped mode, and of course, in Init function, for read, I call ExtFlash_SetMemoryMappedMode(); It works good for me. Here is my FlashPrg.c file: C Source Code (393…

  • I think that soon I will post my version of an open flash loader on github and post a link here.

  • Hello RBI, you can make your custom Open Flashloader Now I'm trying to increase the speed of my flash loader, in this thread…flash-loader-is-too-slow/

  • Hello all! In the process of studying the architecture of the flash loader, I discovered the fact that there is no exact description of how reading works: Dear forum participants, if you are interested in this topic, please write here, what do you think about this. Maybe we can study this issue together faster! Now I have managed to achieve the following results: - Full chip erase 69 second - Full chip blank check 5.5 second - Read full memor…

  • Today I noticed another detail. When I start erasing in J-Flash, I see in the log that when erasing the internal memory, the CPU is running at 185 MHz. And when the external memory is erased, the log says: CPU speed could not be measured. What does that mean? What am I doing wrong initialization? Here is the code of my function init. C Source Code (16 lines)As you can see, I ignore the Freq parameter. Do I have to manually configure PLL in the Init function?

  • I managed to discover one pattern, the more I set the size of the PageSize field, the faster the reading process is going on. The maximum that I managed to achieve is 16 Kbytes versus 256 bytes. With such settings, the reading results are as follows: Read range 0x08000000 - 0x081FFFFF (MCU flash 2 Mbytes) 0.224 second Read range 0x90000000 - 0x901FFFFF (External flash 2 Mbytes) 11.975 second I am attaching my FlashDevice array C Source Code (30 lines)

  • Hello! I made an open loader for my custom board based on this instruction . And it works correctly, but very slowly. I checked all functions, complete erasure, loadbin command with verify and also J-Flash read range (full 32 Mbytes). My custom board consists of MCU STM32H753XI and QSPI flash s25fl256 (32 Mbytes). In result I have very slow read/verify speed. For example, I try read 2 Mb internal MCU flash and 2 Mb external QSPI: Read range 0x08000000 - 0x081FFFF…