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  • Hello Sven, would you please do me a favor to generate some .c files, and send them to my email address ? I do need these .c files. Correcting the issues manually takes too much time, and the letters are ugly... Thanks for you time.

  • Hello Sven, There is still No good news. Today, the IT guy in our company get a English version windows 7 installed in a computer, but finally we get the same problem, as the attached picture shows. and I have no idea. It's so obvious a problem, i think some one else must have met this kind of problem before. Maybe they get them done manually in the FontCvt. But we use several different font size, and around 10% of these glyphs are not complete, not only the latin letters, but many Chinese chara…

  • Decimal separators in Emwin

    jasonzhong - - emWin related


    Hello, In my personal opinion, you do not need to call the GUI_SetDecChar, you have already keep the YSize in the string, so why not to write a function to change "." to ",". this is much faster to solve your problem.

  • Hello Sven, Thanks for your time. As the differences shows , if the problem is caused by the "Max Width" and "Baseline", to my knowledge, these information is returned from OS API. then FontCvt would get different results in different windows system ? And i use Windows 7 ultimate Chinese version. Both v5.32 and v5.38 show the same result, as the attached picture shows. And Just now, i tried FontCvt v5.38 in a windows xp system, it get the same problem. For you reference, i have tried v5.40 and v…

  • Hello Sven, Thanks for your attention. I have attached the font file, but because of the maximum size limitation and file extention limitation , i have changed the names of these zip files. so please download all of them and modify the name manually as below: ===> ===> ===> ===> so you could unzip and get a TTF font file. this is what we used in our project. Thank you v…

  • if there is only 2 windows , you could keep both of them, no need to delete anyone during your switches, but just hiddle one of them. i could guess the problem is the window handle, your TEXT API is trying to use it while it has already been deleted. so anyway, you need to check whether the window is valid or not ...

  • Hello , friends. i am facing a strange issue that the FontCvt V5.32 can not display some letters fully. As the attached picture shows, the buttom of some letters are missing in FontCvt V5.32, but these letters could be displayed fully in other application (FontCreater V11.0 from internet). is this a bug for FontCvt V5.32? Can someone help me out? thank you very much!