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  • Hello, I have been experiencing a problem for the past few days that is driving me crazy. I inherited a project from a coworker which involves a Renesas microcontroller with an 18-bit display. I managed to configure the project, and everything seemed to be working correctly. I made several modifications using AppWizard, and everything appeared to be fine until I attempted to add or remove new text. When I do this, the screen no longer initializes, and I believe the issue might be with the initGU…

  • AppWizard rotate keyboard object

    ruben.m - - emWin related


    Thank you :), I will study those possibilities then.

  • Hello, we have a gyroscope and then we want to rotate the keyboard when we detect that the screen has been rotate (like a mobile phone), then which is the best way of rotate the keyboard and the rest of objects?

  • AppWizard rotate keyboard object

    ruben.m - - emWin related


    Hi, I am working with AppWizard and I want to add a keyboard object with SKEYBOARD_ENG layout, the problem is that i need to rotate this object 90º and I do not see this property, how can I rotate it? Best regards