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  • OS_Timing_Getus usage problems

    msherman - - embOS related


    I am trying to measure the time that the CPU is not in the idle loop. I have the following code in my OS_ISR_Tick handler: C Source Code (11 lines) Then inside of the idle function I have the following: C Source Code (16 lines) When I try to read the values as they are stored in the buffer, most of the time (99.5%) I get the value "1055" which does not seem correct. I have set a probe on a pin and measured to get 57.6 microseconds. Any advice?

  • Solution

    msherman - - embOS related


    here is a link to an appnote that IAR issued in September: appnote. I am still having some trouble however where the tasks are not being executed. Once OS_Start is executed, OS_Error is entered with an error code of 120. If I just run from main instead of single-stepping, the system information reports that both tasks are Init/Idle, and the OS_Status is unknown. What am I doing wrong?

  • OS_OnTx() / OS_OnRx()

    msherman - - embOS related


    Hi, I'm trying to find any documentation possible on the functions OS_OnTx() and OS_OnRx() functions relating to UART transmit/receive. I don't see anything about what these functions do in the User Manual. Thanks

  • CSTACK filled error

    msherman - - embOS related


    Thanks for replying. I am using IAR EW 5.4. According to my documentation I have software version 3.28. I'll just go ahead and copy the code from the main.c file onto this page as it is very short and would probably be easier to determine which project it is than to describe it. I believe the problem is with the configuration/setup of my simulator, but I'm not sure which changes to make. C Source Code (41 lines)

  • CSTACK filled error

    msherman - - embOS related


    Hi, I'm new to embOS and I've been trying to build the example for an M16C processor in the IAR EW. I have not changed the example code at all yet and it is going to OS_ERROR with the stack error code when I try to run. Now, I'm not downloading to a board, I'm just trying to use the simulator with this at first. In the build window I see the following messages immediately after OS_InitKern() is executed: Wed Jul 21 13:47:17 2010: The stack 'CSTACK' is filled to 100% (256 bytes used out of 256). …