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  • Yes unfortunately the NIOS II tools have gotten worse over time and badly need updating. If it helps, I've had a lot more success running Quartus/Nios2 in a Ubuntu 20.04 VM. Any Ubuntu version newer than 18.04 appears to have most (if not all) of the libraries that Quartus needs out of the box so the installation is fairly painless.

  • Thank you. Yes, my linker file and stack symbols may indeed be the issue but I can't spot the reason myself. I'm happy to share them with you if that helps. These additional details about my set-up might help: The application's linker file has a defined .app_header section (32 bytes in size) that is situated at offset 0x0 of the external flash. It adds details that a bootloader needs during compile time. The exceptions table follows this, then the .text section. The code for this is simple: C So…

  • Hi there - I'm currently evaluating embOS for use on a custom board. The board's main IC is a Intel MAX10 FPGA with a Nios2 soft core. I can get embOS to run (to an extent....) with certain BSP configurations and not for others. The most noticeable issue is when I deselect 'enable small c library' (in other words, when I'm using the large c library) in the BSP, then OS_Init() never exits. After debugging, I see that OS_Init() calls memset() to initialize the system stack - but a this contains an…