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  • Hi Adrian, Do you know when you might be able to take a look at this problem of sorting rows with bitmaps? Thanks very much for your help.

  • Ok, thanks for your help. Here's a simplified version of what we're trying to do. The icons placed in the first column don't change position when I sort based on the third column. The initial sort we do immediately after populating the list doesn't sort the icons either. Here's the init code: Source Code (20 lines) And the code which populates the list: Source Code (55 lines)

  • Hi, I'm having trouble sorting a LISTVIEW widget which has bitmaps set as the background of some cells. I have used LISTVIEW_SetItemBitmap() to set bitmaps in one column, and each row has a different bitmap. I have enabled sorting of the Listview. When I click on the header to re-sort the list, the rows are displayed in a different order - but the bitmaps don't relocate. Is there some action I need to take after a sort, to repaint the bitmaps in the correct row? Thanks for your help.

  • Hi, I am getting random undesirable artifacts on the screen and not sure how to get rid off them? Also, the dropdown icon and the sorting for list view icon does not look like a triangle, any idea what I need to do to fix this? I have tried several things including the 3 different effects (3D, None, Simple), flex skin, but none looks normal. Thank you for your time.


    nosreme - - emWin related


    Thank you. That works.[img][/img]


    nosreme - - emWin related


    Hi, I notice if I change HEADER_SUPPORT_DRAG to 0, I am no longer able to click and sort items on a LISTVIEW column. Is there a way around this? I would like to turn the re-sizing of my LISTVIEW headers off but still able to support sorting of columns. Thank you for your help.

  • Hello Adrian, Thank you for the explaination and you have been very helpful. My program are stup very much like the example in WidgeMidScheme provided with the source (with the exception of the "AutoMode" in the mainloop where it going through the loop and modify the widges). The main dialog are created with a call to GUI_CreateDialogBox and the callback have more initialization in WM_INIT_DIALOG, I have almost nothing in WM_PAINT message (or it is processed as WM_DefaultProc). I only have 1 mai…

  • Hello Adrian, I have implement the double buffer just as described in "Multiple buffering" -> "Configuration" and I have also enabled WM_MULTIBUF_Enable() in my MainTask() right after GUI_Init(). I started with single buffer so I know my program works with single buffer. When I turn the double buffer implementation on and with the WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(1), it switch the buffer only once. I notice that LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER cmd/msg is only execute once. I am using mostly WM widgets with callback function…

  • Memory Devices vs. Multibuf

    nosreme - - emWin related


    Hi, Could you explain the difference between using Memory Deives vs. Double Buffering? Can they be use together? and is there advantage/disadvantage of using one or the other? Thank you for your help

  • USB Keyboard and Mouse Support

    nosreme - - emWin related


    Hi, Is there a keyboard and mouse message queue? What do I need to do when I get keyboard/mouse message from my USB port and how do I re-direct these messages to emWin? What format do they need to be in? I read through the Pointer Input Devices and Keyboard Input chapters but I am not sure of what to do . Thank you for your help

  • Hello Andrian, Thank you for your help. My confusion is that I am not sure what automatic means? Does that mean if I enable WM_MULTIBUF_ENABLE(1), then I don't need to use any of the GUI_MULITBUF APIs? What about configurations for LCD_X_Config() and LCD_X_DisplayDriver, does these need to be configure if I enable WM_MULTIBUF_ENABLE? The configuration example for LCD_X_DisplayDriver() show code to make the given buffer visible by setting the address and then call the GUI_MULTIBUF_Confirm(). If W…

  • Hi, I am using double buffering with the GUIDRV_LIN_16 display driver. I would like to use WM_MULTIBUF_ENABLE but are not sure what "automatic use of multiple buffers" mean. Is there an example of how WM_MULTIBUF_ENABLE is used? Other than seting the NUM_BUFFER to 2, and define my VRAM_ADDR, what else do I need to do? Do I need to add functions to ShowBuffer, CopyBuffer to my display drivers? Thank you for your help.

  • Dynamic display size?

    nosreme - - emWin related


    Hello, I am woking on a project where the UI is going to be displayed on a regular PC LCD screen. Although my UI will not take up the entire screen, I would like to be able to scale it depending on the current screen resoultion selected. So, when the user change the screen resolution, my UI windows will be scaled accordingly. I understand that emWin does not support scaling of windows so I have do it manually. My question is concerning the inital settings in LCDConf.c. Is there a way the XSIZE_P…

  • Questions about LISTSVIEW widget

    nosreme - - emWin related


    Hi, I have serveral questions about the LISTVIEW widget: - Is right-mouse click supported? - Is it possible to display a bitmap (not known at compile time) in a LISTVIEW cell? - Is it possible to have a editable cell in a LISTVIEW? I would like to have a DROPDOWN and/or CHECKBOX in a cell. This is very important to me, if not possible, can you suggest another way this may be implemented? Thank you, Nosreme