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  • Quote from SEGGER - Simon: “Hello, I noticed that you are using different interfaces with the GDB-Server: SWD, and with Ozone: JTAG. Could you please try selecting the SWD interface in Ozone? Best regards, Simon ” That was the problem. I'm an idiot. Sorry. For some reason I assumed it would come up in SWD mode. I do notice that when I run the application it claims it is running, but when I pause it, it's at the start of ResetISR(), which I assume is the function called by the reset vector. If I …

  • Hi Alex, Strange. I just regenerated them, so hope this helps. I've added the schematic for the debug connector. My assumption is if they changed the port configuration, then JLinkGDBServerCL would fail to connect? Glenn

  • Hopefully these are the correct files. I tried using JLinkCommander to set the default log file generation but apparently I'm too stupid to run it. I've also regenerated the jdebug file from the project wizard. The only change I made was ad the log file generation.

  • Hi Alex Please find attached the log file. > I noticed that in your Ozone project file the function _SetupTarget() is never called. Is that intended? I used the defaults from the Ozone project wizard. I assumed it set things up correctly for me. Thank you, Glenn

  • NXP LPC54S018 Development board (LPCXpresso54S018) Using the NXP IDE with my J-Link Plus Compact, I get connection errors, so I thought I'd try with Ozone. The JLinkGDBServerCL commandline is as follows: 'C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe' -SettingsFile "C:\open\nxp_workspace\lpcxpresso54s018_freertos_hello\Debug\lpcxpresso54s018_freertos_hello JLink Debug SettingsFile.jlink" -nosilent -swoport 2332 -select USB=851001883 -telnetport 2333 -singlerun -endian little -noir -speed 40…

  • Thank you. No I'm wondering where Ozone came from and how to remove it Glenn

  • Hmm. I see that SystemView installs Ozone v3.22e, so I guess I don't NEED to install both. However, is there a way to install 3.24g in parallel?

  • Fedora 34 machine. I just downloaded SystemView_Linux_V330_x86_64.rpm and Ozone_Linux_V324g_x86_64.rpm I installed SystemView first using sudo dnf localinstall SystemView_Linux_V330_x86_64.rpm and it seemed to install correctly I then tried to install Ozone using sudo dnf localinstall Ozone_Linux_V324g_x86_64.rpm and get the following output: Source Code (22 lines)Ii I reverse the installation order, I get the same issue, just swap the package names. Any ideas? Regards, Glenn

  • HI All, Trying to write a custom reset script using JLinkScript to toggle the reset line on our processor, halt the target, and poke a value to memory to halt the watchdog timer. The JLinkScript is working from JLinkExe (I'm on Fedora 34): Source Code (11 lines) When I use the same reset script in Ozone The CPU does not halt: Source Code (9 lines) Despite on Line 5 my check that the S_HALT bit is set in DHCSR. Any ideas? Regards, Glenn