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  • Hello there, My old project need maintains and it doesn't compatible with the newer SES version. Is there a place I still can download the older version? Thank you very much,

  • Hello, I am using the touchgfx designer generated project as template to develop my project. The DK I am using is the STM32U5G9J-DK1. I tried to bring up the Segger RTT viewer feature. The RTT works well before the ToughGFX initialization. If I comment out the ToughGFX initiation functions and its tasks [ MX_TouchGFX_Init() & MX_TouchGFX_PreOSInit() ], the RTT print can work in the FreeRTOS tasks. But once I leave the TouchGFX initialization as it is, the RTT stops working after it. It seems the…

  • The issue was solved. It is not J-link, but CubeIDE. The latest CubeIDE embedded a pretty old J-link driver, which was too old to support the very new MCU. I had natively thought the IDE driver would be automatically updated while the latest J-link program is been installing. Works perfectly after manually overwriting the cubeide j-link folder.

  • I am using J-Trace Pro. This is a new project and I tried to build the connection with STM32U5G9J-DK1. The MCU of this DK is STM32U5G9NJH6Q . I also tried a normal J-link and it shows the same msg. I can program this board using STLink3 on the same connector. Please advise, Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Failed to get index for device name 'STM32U5G9NJ'.GDBServer will be closed... Shutting down... Could not connect to target. Please check power, connection and settings.

  • Hello Nino, Thank you for the reply. This issue can be easily reproduced when I changed the versions. I did try 5.68 and 5.70a. Both failed. I downgrade to 5.50/5.44, it showed the same issue. The problem disappears once its version <= 5.42. I did adjust some directories manually in my .emproject file for a better Git repo management when I created it years ago. Here is my .emproject file. Thank you very much, Haizhou

  • Hello there, I upgraded my SES from 5.10 to 5.68. After the installation, the program stalled at the startup page. With the help from an old thread in this forum, the program can pass the startup page if I changed my project name. That thread said the project broke and I should consider rolling back in Git. However, I can open the same project same setting with older versions. I then tested several SES versions and tried to narrow down which SES version began to cause this issue. It showed that …