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  • J-Link430 and debugging

    Szeky - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Thanks for the reply Will give TI's MSP-FET430UIF a try. cheers

  • J-Link430 and debugging

    Szeky - - J-Link/Flasher related


    hi @ all I am new to these J-Link430 USB programmers, I used a Parallel JTAG programer to program MSP430F1611 till now, but I sold my old laptop and bought a new one which does not have a parallel port on it. So, I am interested the the J-Link430 supports debugging (searched everywhere but nobody could answer me)? If yes: What is it's price (not in the's pricelist)? How can I order it over the web (not in the's pricelist)? Thanks in advance a newbie