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  • _SetText() cause hardfault.

    ertana - - emWin related


    Hello, i find the reason. RA8875 works different from standard version driver chips. Normally if RS is 0, this means the data is command, if RS is 1, this means the data is data. But RA8875 works reverse of this. So normally emwin uses pfWriteM16_A1 but for RA8875 pfWriteM16_A0 should be used.

  • _SetText() cause hardfault.

    ertana - - emWin related


    Hello, I am using STemwin but there is nobody in st forum to solve my problem. I can init LCD; i can write anything on the screen using GUI_DispString(). I can create button (or checkbox, or some widgets) on anywhere on the screen, but when i try to write anything on the widget (for example BUTTON_SetText(), or for example CHECKBOX_SetText() ), after GUI_Exec() a hard fault occured. I download a lot of example, and i did what they did but the result didnt changed. What do you thing about the rea…