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  • Is it possible to perform a loadbin without resetting a device? I have a ram dump that I need to inject in the memory, but the device sets some output state before arriving at that point so I can not manually set PC and LR (and other registers). Any hint about that? my .Jlink file looks like this at the moment (writing to registers commented out becouse I am testing the reset part of loadfile): Source Code (65 lines)

  • Hi Alex, thanks for your reply, I'll take a look on it.

  • Hi All, I see here that Jlink does support a subset of msp430, but not for my derivative and only for flashing. Of course we sould like to to debug and develop on such family using Jlink. Does this mean that via JTAG I will not be able to interact with the device? - If we purchase the jlink sdk would be able to write our own tools to connect and program the microcontrollers or... - ...does this meand that that there are no out of the box tools that allow to place breakpoints and manipulate regis…

  • I am trying to instrument a program where we use RTX kernel and microlib on uVision. I understand that there are no porting or official support for RTX, that's ok. I am starting from scratch from SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Config_NoOS example and then I'l instrument events or tasks. My problem is that using microlib I get following errors, even when following instructions from Source Code (15 lines) I am using toolchain version with c compiler armcc v.506…

  • Hi, some questions on the Jlink SDK - I understand that this is not a support forum or a "commercial" forum, I wonder if someone can provide answers to this topic. - Company wide license: one license is fine for all the members of a company? Is it server-based? can it be server based? Can it be installed on a j-link pro? Can I install or copy to multiple workstations? 1. "can it be" is intended both as legally feasible AND technically feasible - not interested in hacks to bypass license agreemen…

  • As an addendum, I am not tied to IAR. Also being able to do this using Ozone would be great!

  • Hi all, I need to debug with breakpoints and strict timing, driving an external tool (like canoe) synced with the breakpoints I set inside the IDE. The idea is to have the external tool (e.g. CANoe) drive the jlink logic with "halt", and "go" commands and see in IAR if and when breakpoints hit. 1) Is it feasibile? 2) I tried to connect to the web control panel but looks like halt and go are not supported (Commander tab) 3) Do you have any hint on how to proceed? 4) Is the remote server somehow s…

  • Hello Matthias, I can not provide the *.out, I can try to replicate with a different one and share it. It could take a couple of days.

  • Hi, When I load the *.out file, Jscope crashes during "finishing symbols" phase. With the 32 bit version V6.11m it didn't happen. The crash happens both in V756d 32 and 64 bit. Any hint on how to debug the issue? Is it possibile that since the .out file does not start at zero the scope crashes? Thanks and K.R.

  • Hello Fabian, I just saw your reply. Buying the SDK is my last option - we need to understand if four our purposes the SDK is worth the effort. Not really a topic of money for purchasing rather than maintaining the code written with the SDK and share it internally.. it could rapidly grow into something we dont want to handle or maintain, since the tool would only be used in a small number of r&d projects. The second option, control commander's stdin and stdout via python, is something that I'll …

  • Hi all, I have to write some initialization data on a nvm memory that accepts only 32bit writes. After each write I have to wait for a certain register to be set to confirm that the write was correct. A couple of questions here: 1) Is possibile to use if..else statements in jlink commander scripts? 2) is it possible to read data from a file (bin, hex, whatever) in chunks of 4 bytes to loop over a big file? If not possible, how could we do that using jlink tool? We have (many) jlink plus AND jlin…

  • Hello, I have a couple of questions about flashing many microcontrollers (arm cortex M): 1) Is it possible to flash two devices with one J-link with the same firmware using a j-link commander script? The idea is to connect via JTAG two devices and automate the flashing process 2) Is it possible to flash many devices with one J-link with different firmware based on the device position in the JTAG chain using a j-link programmer script? if one (or more) of the points above is not feasible, 1) is i…

  • Ok, figured out by trial and error that "probably" the SEGGER_SYSVIEW_OnIdle must be called only when after tasks have been placed in SEGGER_SYSVIEW_OnTaskStopReady . Otherwise the GUI is not able to perform computation correctly.

  • Hi all, a question from my side: Why there is no lock mechanism in record start and record end when buffer on the stack is used? Bonus questions: The usage of SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE is not really clear to me. 1. What's the relation between SEGGER_SYSVIEW_RTT_BUFFER_SIZE and the interface speed that shall be used to retrieve data without losing packets or having transmission errors? 2. Are there any (appreciable) differences in performances between selecting JTAG and SWD debugger interfac…

  • Hi All, I am evaluating sysview on a CM4 using a custom OS. It can be approximated to a fixed scheduler inside a macro loop, time triggered. At the very end of the "tasks" handling, I wait for the tick to elapse and here I am placing the function call "SEGGER_SYSVIEW_OnIdle()" Nevertheless, I can see that cpu load section the counter IDLE counter is never increased. Any hint on this topic? Best regards, Catosh.

  • Hello, We wan to to flash the S32K11x with security enabled. Selecting the "allow security" configuration a popup stating that "Your application image would set the system security of the device. This is not supported in the current configuration. Application data has been changed accordingly". unfortunately, the security is EXACTLY what we need. How can we correctly flash the mcu? Please note that using Segger Jlink(Plus) and IAR we are able to flash and allwo security. Furthermore, we are real…

  • Hello Erik, I already downloaded the update a couple of weeks ago, it works fine now. Thank you for the support. B.R, C.

  • I have further information to share. Jflash v6.10l is not able to read back the flash of the microcontroller. Anyway I am able to connect (on athoer pc) and read back the flash with the Jlink v5.41n(beta). Any hint would be very appreciated. B.R. C.

  • As the topic title. I updated segger-jlink to the last stable release (currently is the JLink_V610l). IAR is able to connect and erase the microcontroller, Atollic is not. Further information: the micro is an NXP KL82 Any hint? I can provide some logs if need. Best regards, C. edit: The 5.5.1 version of Atollic True studio was working fine with v. 601c; then after upgrading to 610l I had the troubles. Further information: if I try to connect with Jflash.exe and perform a readback of the flash, I…

  • Firmware update, dll update, nothing. Win reboot, all good. Left here just in case. best regards, L.