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  • Max Size of TTF Font

    Mali - - emWin related


    Hi Florian, thank you for your answer. You wrote cache isn't used when the font is emboldened or obliqued. Surprisingly the font size can be higher (of course 255 is maximum) than with using the cache. If the TTF source code is manipulated so that the cache isn't used any more, the font size can get up to 255 like using emboldened or obliqued. So what is the fault behind using cache (see my example code from 4.10.23, could you reproduce the behaviour)? Is there a plan to increase possible font s…

  • Max Size of TTF Font

    Mali - - emWin related


    Hi Florian, thank you for your reply. To reproduce the behaviour I have used emWin Simulation from Attached you can find modified files which should be copied to the project. (in addition to TTF-Files) As you say 255 is the max size of GUI_FONT, is there a possibility to draw a bigger one (eg to scale it)? BR Martin

  • Max Size of TTF Font

    Mali - - emWin related


    Hello, I am trying to use TTF Fonts for a new project where font sizes up to 300 pixels are required. I have written some test code to test the sizes where problems occur on large font sizes. At font size 140 everything seems to be ok. By using font size 150 the letters "M" or "m" disappears. Each step I am increasing font size, some more letters disappear. At font 180 only a few are available. I have played with cache size but the problem doesn't change. Maybe there is a max size where TTF Font…

  • Hi, please correct me if I am wrong, but the bitmap is already saved as 2bpp bitmap (black, white and transparency). Regards, Martin

  • Hi Sven, thank you for your answer. We already have a emWin single product source code license but for another product... Is it foreseeable how long it will take that NXP will serve a version with fixed issue? I will try the workaround if it will work for us. Many thanks Regards, Martin

  • Hi Sven, I have created a short testproject for you, where the display shows black background and the sprite is drawn in the middle of the display. Attached there are also 3 pictures with 3 different prototypes which are drawing different pictures. Please note: I had to remove emWin_M4F.lib to ensure the maximum sizo of file isn't bigger than 1MB. Pic1 with white background (with white background there would be only a white screen) and the sprite showing in black color (transparency is shown cor…

  • We are using Controller RT1051 (NXP) with Display driver UC1601. Therefore we choosed display driver GUIDRV_SPAGE_1C1 and color conversion GUICC_1 (NUM_BUFFERS = 1, NUM_VSCREENS = 1). If we now want to show a sprite with transparency, the transparency works, but the two colors of the sprite are doing wrong. On one hardware we get inverted colors, the next shows all white and the third one shows black. Each of the hardwares are programmed with the same hex-File. If I set breakpoint into PortAPI.p…