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  • Hello Arne, Thank you for your feedback. I do not work anymore on this project for now, it has been paused. But when it will be resumed, I'll try that. Regards, Alex

  • Hello Arne, I checked the firmware, and I was running a version from May 13 2020 07:12:21. I have updated my JLink Software to the latest available and also updated the Flasher ARM firmware to Sep 11 2020 10:05:34. The Algo error has disappeared and now, I have a new error u_u The Flasher starts flashing and ends in error: "ERROR: Invalid checksum of data block in target" This also bricks my device as I am unable to enter the ID Code, nor reset it (for the moment). Regards, Alex

  • Hello Arne, The MCU is the Renesas R7FS7G27H. The Flasher ARM version is 4.2A Thank you, Alex

  • Hello, I am a little bit confused with programming a SPI Flash. With the Flasher ARM and using JFlash, I am able to flash the complete binary file which resides both in internal flash of the Renesas MCU and in the external QSPI flash. Now, I would like to make the Flasher ARM a standalone programmer for the production facility. I save the Flasher Config file and the Flasher Data file, and then I put them both in the Flasher ARM internal memory. When I attempt to program the device, the RED led l…

  • I finally found the problem. For writing my Exit Steps, I followed the sequence described in this KB article (replacing the MSC address with the correct one):…/writing_to_internal-D0Tt The problem lies in the fact that the Lock Bits Page is firstly erased. This lead for me to the following sequence: - Chip Unlock (if necessary) - Chip Erase - Program - Verify - Erase Lock Bits Page - Clear Debug Lock Word - Reset This was the Erase Lock Bits Page which caused the m…

  • Hi all, I encounter a problem as I want to perform a standalone programming and debug lock access in one shot using a Flasher Arm with a BGM13S (EFR32G13 from Silicon Labs). The program is placed in the Flasher secure area to prevent software read back from a third party facility. Standalone programming (as well as unlocking locked device) works fine. I have added exit steps in J-Flash to clear the Debug Lock Word (which works) to block the device access to prevent malicious actions. The problem…