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  • Hi. Is there any news or updates to program a PIC32MX130 with the JLink?

  • Hi Alex. Thank you for the great support. I tested it, but unfortunately it doesn't work. Following is happend: I test this combinations: PIC32MX150F128B PIC32MX150F128C PIC32MX150F128D PIC32MX250F128B PIC32MX250F128C PIC32MX250F128D PIC32MX320F128H ****** Error: Failed to erase sectors 128 @ address 0x9FC00000 ((erase error)) PIC32MX320F128L PIC32MX440F128L ****** Error: Failed to erase sectors 32 @ address 0x9FC00000 ((erase error)) PIC32MX130F064B ****** Error: Failed to erase sectors 64 @ ad…

  • Hi Alex. Thank you for the answer. Unfortunately, the used microcontroller ( PIC32MX130F128H ) is not yet in the list of supported derivatives. That's why I tried to do something with the general device specification ( PIC32MX ). Very unfortunate.

  • Hello. How can i program a PIC32MX. I've tried to program the controller (using latest JLINK v7.94g), but i always get a error message: "Writing target memory failed." Is it even possible to program a pic32mx with the segger jlink, or can you just delete it? Here the commands: C:JLink.exe -device PIC32MX -if ICSP -speed 1000 -autoconnect 1 -CommanderScript pic32S.jlink The sript file is: Source Code (3 lines) The output is: ########################################################### J-Link Comma…

  • Hi. On a Infineon XMC4700 Arm processor, i've activate the sector read/write protection with a password -> XMC_FLASH_InstallProtection(0, PROTECT_RP_WPS0, (uint32_t)PW1, (uint32_t)PW2); Now I have no way to erase the whole chip. The connection with JLink is ok, but if i try to unlock the device, JLink show's a error. is there a way to delete the chip if i know the passwords? Here the output from JLink: J-Link>connect Device "XMC4700-1536" selected. Connecting to target via SWD Performing XMC4500…

  • [SOLVED] OZone wish

    Forster - - General


    Many thanks for the reply. That can be a sollution for one or two variables. Correct.... But it is not working / applicable for a big data array: Example: uint16_t g_debug_current[50][256] Do i have to pull every 12800 elements.... element by element... in a graph, do my test, export this element to a csv (g_debug_curr_1.csv, ... , g_debug_curr_4793.csv, g_debug_curr_4794.csv, ... , g_debug_curr_12799.csv, ? -> Than i need 20 working day's for every test A export possibility for the data will be…

  • [SOLVED] OZone wish

    Forster - - General


    Hello. A very usefully missed feature for OZone is: Export or copy (selected) watched data to a txt/csv-file or to clipboard. This is helpfull, if we can't use the segger_rtt to print the data by program. So we can copy/export a data-struct or especialy a large array of data from the Watched Data window, and analyze/filter the data with a external tool. Many thanks.