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  • Hi AlexD, I agree that the functionality doesn't really fit well with Ozone either. I was hoping that the all-knowing Ozone user base might provide some insights to alternative solutions. For me at least, I grow impatient while waiting for the Ozone flash programming to complete (typically 20 secs on our target). I would rather spend the time in my IDE and let the programming happen in the background after a build is complete. Hopefully, I will think of something during the summer holiday Best r…

  • Hello, Some issues are prone to require (a lot of) trial and error to fix. Such cases typically follows the flow: Change code -> compile -> program elf file in Ozone To program the elf file one needs to bring Ozone to the foreground for the dialog with the text "The program has been modified by another application. Do you want to reload it?" to show. In many cases I check "do not show again" to avoid the dialog. Is there any way to let the reloading (and programming) happen in the background avo…

  • Hello Nino, Thank you for the supplied example project. Sadly, it doesn't work for me. The breakpoint is hit, but the callback is not executed. I expect "---BP hit!---" to be written to the console which doesn't happen in 3.22a. Have you tried clearing the breakpoints (or deleting .jdebug.user file) and reloading the project? If the breakpoint and scriptCallback is already present in the .jedebug.user, the scriptcallback is executed and "---BP hit!---" is output to the console. So, to get your e…

  • Hello Nino, Indeed the wiki example works out of the box. The wiki example uses Break.SetOnSrc which works, but after modifying the project with Break.SetCmdOnAddr it no longer works. The specified address 0x08008260 is within valid flash memory space, but not within the application image memory range as you pointed out (the used location was copied from another project). Modifying the wiki example to use the memory location instead of the source location (main.cpp:128 -> 0x080005D2) gives the s…

  • Hello Nino, Thank you for the feedback! Same behaviour in V3.22a - "breakpoint not set" is printed in the console on project load. I've attached an elf file and .jdebug file for your convenience (just the same project / elf as I referred to earlier). Also attached is a screendump from 3.22a - note the question mark in "Extras". I am able to manually add the callback by modifying the breakpoint (F8 -> Extra Actions -> Script Callback) Regards, Rune

  • Hi, First of - thank you for a great product! I'm having issues with one of my projects using the Break.SetCmdOnAddr function. In 3.20c it works fine, but in 3.20d and onwards the callback is not added to the breakpoint. Break.SetCommand works as expected. Using the following project file (Modified C Source Code (21 lines) 3.20d console output: ... Break.Set (0x08008260); Break.SetCommand ("0x08008260", "OnBPHit"); Break.SetCommand ("0x08008260", "OnBPHit"…

  • Sorry for the delay - I've been on vacation. I've attached an elf-file compiled with GCC 5.2 ( Best regards, Rune

  • Hello, I'm having an issue debugging using an elf file compiled and linked with GNU ARM Embedded toolchain using GCC >= 5 (). The issue is not present in GNU ARM toolchain using GCC 4.9. I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but at least I can share my findings with you. Our flash layout reserves 0x8000 bytes at the start of the flash (0x08000000) for a bootloader. Source Code (16 lines) When debugging the application directly (ie. the bootloader is not executed) we expect the PC to be set to…

  • Thank you for the support! We really appreciate it. We will avoid using string merging. /Rune

  • The issue is not present when "Merge String Constants is disabled. Furthermore, it seems that "Merge String Constants" must be used with "inline small functions" linker option for the issue to be present. I've attached a SES project that reproduces the issue. Tested with SES for ARM v4.18. /Rune

  • Hello, I'm currently testing the Segger linker and ran into a problem when "merge string constants" is enabled: C Source Code (1 line) Gives the linker error: assertion failure: section '.rodata.str.%m/%d/%y.merge' from - Linker created - is not mapped Digging a little further (after disabling strftime()): C Source Code (1 line)Also emits the same linker error. C Source Code (1 line) does not.

  • Hello, We are just starting out using emFile and have a quick question: We intend to format a 64 GiB eMMC using FS_FormatSD() and need progress information on a GUI. We haven't been able to find any way to do this in the API. Any hints? Best regards, Rune

  • Hi, Thanks for the reply. I will try contacting Pylink support even though I doubt they have specific knowledge on this issue. I guess we should look at a workaround for this issue. /Rune

  • Hello, We use use Python for test automation. Previously we used our own wrapper for jlink.exe since we don't have the SDK. However, recently, we have discovered the Pylink project which acts as a Python interface to the SDK. We have an issue which we think is related to the JLINKARM dll. When JLINKARM_Close() is invoked some internal timing related test metrics in our DUT changes. If we skip the invocation of JLINKARM_Close() and just exit the test, the DUT is in no way influenced. So the quest…

  • Great, I will contact sales regarding the SDK! /Rals

  • Hi, Thanks for the response Niklas and rmilne! I will look into the SDK - the example shown by rmilne indicates that it will be rather simple to implement. However, an excerpt from the documentation would definitely help me along I still would vote for semihosting-like RTT features. /Rals

  • Hello, I'm investigating using RTT as output for gcov results. We intend to use this setup to get coverage results of continuous integration tests executed by our build environment. Using gcov means we need a way to create the .gcda files on the host machine. It is my understanding that this is not currently possible to do directly using RTT. - Has any plans been made for letting RTT support retargeting of syscalls (open, read, write etc.) to be able to interact with files on the host machine? -…

  • Hi, I'm trying to do a silent/unattended installation of the JLink Software and documentation pack for Windows (5.10h). It seems that the installer has been created with NSIS installer, so using the /S switch almost does the job (Setup_JLink_V510h.exe /S). However, I haven't been able to find information on how to suppress/automate the SEGGER J-Link DLL updater V5.10h which pops up while doing the silent installation. As a result, the installation hangs until I press the "OK" button. Any ideas o…