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  • Hi Alex, sorry you are right i mixed it up. In my "world" (hobby projects) my PICKIT3 / JLink is for debugging and programming (thats why i wrote programmer but i meant debugger) In companys which are programming in production its probably different (we are using Linux based devices, so we do not use flash programmer like Jlink in our production) So last question which is open, is the one regarding difference between V10/V11 beside "no new features" and where i can get a V11 EDU in Europe / Germ…

  • Thx for your reply Alex but i have still some questions: Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “The V10 is in the maintenance period. So bugfixes will be added but no new features. ” Ok, but whats the difference in hardware, are there some other downsides additionaly to "no new features" i ask because if i order a new JLink EDU and i get a V10 or maybe i can purchase a used V10 are there other disadvantages compared to a V11? And if i order a new JLink EDU from one of your distributors will i get V11 or may…

  • Hi Segger Team, whats the difference between JLink V10 and V11 ? Regarding your wiki both are supporting the same things. But where is the difference then? Is the V10 still updated? Got currently an old V8 Edu and want to update to a newer EDU to support Cortex-A cores so i need a newer JLink or? Are there plans to support other PIC (18, dspic) beside PIC32? V10/V11 should support ICSP but why not PIC18? Would be great if i don't need my PICkit 3 anymore.. Only a JLink for all... And another que…

  • Hello, I'm a Student at THM and an owner of a J-Link Edu with DLL: 4.78f and the Free Version of Keil 5. I have a small Toy with a locked Nuvoton Mini54ZAN here. I want to remove the Firmware and build my own for it. It is connected via SWD. Unfortunately I can't erase the locked Mini54ZAN with my J-Link. I read that it is possible to unlock and erase it with a cheap Nu-Link, why not with the great and expensive J-Link? Everytime I try to erase the Chip it failed and I got an Error Message like …